Blooming Flowers and a Full Moon – BRFLS Preschool Class Meeting to Celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival

Our young preschool kids have already become very familiar with their lives at BRFLS in less than a month. It was also the first time they could spend the Mid-Autumn Festival at BRFLS. Let’s see what they did at the class meeting.

Starting with a riddle about the moon, the topic of this class meeting was obvious, the Mid-Autumn Festival! Children read interesting stories together, made greet cards, and then watched a video about the origin of this special Chinese festival. They really wanted to greet Chang’e – the beautiful but lonely Goddess of the moon, the Jade Hare and that osmanthus tree.

Of course, our students would be so glad if they could eat moon cakes together with Chang’e.

The children wished all the people and the lonely goddess with the little rabbit a happy Mid-Autumn Day!