Beijing Royal School
Since its establishment in 1996, Beijing Royal School (BRS) has been devoted to international education. Integrating eastern and western pedagogical techniques and resources, we create a truly international educational environment. We use mobile and distance learning technologies to access world-class teaching resources from abroad, adapt them to create an educational experience tailored to each student’s aptitude and individual characteristics, as is the tradition in China. BRS’s four school divisions mesh seamlessly to provide a comprehensive K-12 curriculum designed to cultivate future world leaders with the competence to thrive in the global arena.
Beijing Royal School (BRS) Admission Policy for 2023
Prospective Students
9th grade junior high school graduates
Transfer students in grades 10 to 12
Curriculum Design
1. Programs
(1)AP Program
In 2006, Beijing Royal School was the first to introduce the United States AP program in China and currently offers 32 AP Courses. As the first AP school in China and the one offering the most subjects in China, we have been designated by the College Board as the only AP Teaching Demonstration School in China. All AP teachers at BRS have passed the AP Program Audit held by the College Board. Bilingual AP textbooks authored by master BRS AP teachers have been instrumental to student success. Over the years, Beijing Royal School has maintained a high pass rate in AP exams, facilitating the successful conversion of many graduates’ AP scores to U.S. college credits, enabling them to graduate early from college. Many AP program students were accepted into high-caliber world universities, such as University of Pennsylvania, California Institute of Technology, Washington University in St. Louis, and Cornell University.
(2)A-Level Program
Since 2003, Beijing Royal School has offered A-Level courses by Cambridge International Examinations Committee. It is a certified course and examination center of CIE, Pearson Edexcel and Oxford AQA in the country, and is also a strategic partner of CIE and a gold school of Oxford AQA.
At present, Beijing Royal School offers 21 A-Level courses, including the golden subjects required in order for students to apply to study abroad. The A-Level faculty includes a number of official Cambridge International Examinations teacher trainers and exam markers.
BRS’s pass rate for A* is higher than the world’s average score, and many A-Level program students were accepted into top-notch world universities, such as University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Imperial College, University of California-Berkeley, University of Toronto, and Nanyang Technological University.
(3)IB Program
In January 2018, Beijing Royal School became an IB World School, authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and mutual respect. IBDP is globally recognized by top universities worldwide.
BRS’s IBO authorization was achieved in less than two years because of the school’s abundant international education experience, outstanding teaching faculty and school facilities. The school offers 13 core courses of six major subjects, and the faculty includes a number of official subject examiners with extensive IB teaching experience. Many IB program students were accepted into top-notch world universities, such as University of Chicago, Emory University, and King’s College London.
(4)OSSD Program
OSSD is a cooperative program between Beijing Royal School (Senior High) and the Toronto Bureau of Education, offering students the opportunity to earn a Canada Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), qualifying students for admission to British Commonwealth and U.S. universities.
In addition to academic preparation, OSSD provides rich and practical extra-curricular activities and study tours, comprehensive college and systematic life skills counseling. Since OSSD’s introduction in 2016, many BRS-Canada Program’s graduating students have been accepted into their first choice universities, such as University of Toronto, McMaster University, McGill University, and King’s College London.
2. Study-Abroad Art Program
Beijing Royal School is the first international school in China to open study-abroad art program. Since the foundation of BRS’s art studio in 2010, it has cultivated numerous outstanding art graduates. These graduates have been accepted into top-ranked global universities known for excellence in art education, with the rate for scholarship reaching 85 percent.Our study-abroad art program features three major subjects, including visual arts, music and film arts. The visual arts curriculum includes multiple courses such as photography, painting, installation, media art, costume design, architectural design, and illustration design. The music curriculum involves music theory, composition, improvisation, music production, vocal singing, theatre theory practice and other professional courses in music and performance. As a pioneer in film education in China’s high schools, BRS offers a film arts curriculum that includes two courses, film creation and film criticism, designed to enrich and enhance students’ aesthetic and creative abilities. The teachers are graduates of well-known film schools at home and abroad and have many years of experience in the film industry.
Our team of professional art teachers has substantial experience and solid theoretical foundation in international education. At BRS we have China’s first teacher registered by the College Board AP Studio Art, expert teachers with years of experience teaching study-abroad art courses, Ph.D. and M.A. graduates from prestigious universities in China, and professors previously employed by art schools in the United States.
In 2017, Beijing Royal School signed a five-year partnership agreement with MassArt, with the following objectives for BRS students and teachers: to provide priority access to excellent U.S. art education; to receive assistance in preparing high-level portfolios; to advise in improving BRS teaching models and methods for art; and to provide opportunities to participate in the Summer Studios course at MassArt.
【Prospective Students】
1. 5-6th grade elementary school graduates
2. Transfer students in grades 6 to 9
【Curriculum Design】
1.Core Academic Courses
As an IBO-accredited IB school, Beijing Royal Foreign Language School (Junior-high) uses an integrated curriculum system based on the Chinese National Curriculum, supplemented by the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme as a structure, and also compatible with the Cambridge Secondary 1/IGCSE course content. It offers eight core academic courses including Chinese, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Individual and Society, Science, Physical Education, Art and Design.
2.School-based Electives
Students at RFLS (Junior-high) are encouraged to choose additional electives from a wide range of options such as TOEFL/IELTS, second foreign language, cultural appreciation, creative writing, arts and sports, and many others. These electives add a dimension to the students’ academic programme and meet their individual developmental needs.
3.Inquiry-based Practical Program
Students at RFLS (Junior-high) have many opportunities for practical program, activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond. The extensive practical programs substantiate our holistic education and are offered to improve students’ existing abilities and develop social responsibility.
4.Professional Arts Courses
The school provides access to high-quality resources of arts colleges and arts troupes, giving students the opportunity to study professional orchestral music, musical theatre, opera and drama so as to enhance their artistic perception and creativity.
【Outstanding Faculty】
• A teacher-student ratio of 1 to 4;
• Experienced foreign teachers;
• Overseas returnees and bilingual teachers with a master’s degree or higher, and solidly grounded teaching expertise;
• Class teachers who are enthusiastic about a teaching career and will support the students in all aspects of their schooling.
【Teaching Method】
Guided by the IB-MYP educational philosophy, the RFLS (Junior-high) adopts proven teaching concepts and student-centered teaching practices. While emphasizing the acquisition of basic knowledge, we focus on developing students’ study habits and learning skills, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning.
1.Bilingual Teaching
RFLS (Junior-high) creates a bilingual immersion context where Chinese and foreign teachers provide full English or bilingual instruction. Level-based teaching is used throughout the curriculum in subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, art, physical education and others taught in English. Second language courses in Spanish, French, Japanese and Korean are also offered at RFLS (Junior-high).
2.Collaborative Learning
Students at RFLS (Junior-high) are encouraged to work together with their peers to complete complicated tasks through discussion, debate, collaboration, inquiry, and reflection. As a result, students develop solid collaboration, organizational and leadership skills.
3.Interdisciplinary Learning
RFLS (Junior-high) believes strongly that interdisciplinary learning program effectively engages students in purposeful and meaningful learning experiences. This program exposes students to a variety of subjects and challenges them to combine knowledge from different subjects for in-depth research, and encourages them to present their research using diverse presentations. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as new learning experiences.
4.Experiential Learning
Students in different grades have many opportunities for practical programs, activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond. Our extensive practical programs add a dimension to the students’ academic programs, and are offered to improve students’ application, collaborative and reflective skills.
5.Multiple Assessment Approaches
Multiple assessment approaches offer different students the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and understanding of learning. The multiple approaches include internal and external assessment, formative and summative assessment, paper-based and activity-based assessment, teacher assessment and self- and peer-assessment, and subject-based and project-based design assessment. Continuous and systematic assessment provides a comprehensive and fair reflection on students’ academic development, increase students’ motivation and self-confidence, and thus enhance their academic performance.
6.Approaches to Learning (ATL)
The school has progressively incorporated the International Baccalaureate Organization’s Approaches to Learning (ATL) framework into teaching practices, the development of skills including communication, social interaction, self-management, research and reflection and student activities. A multidisciplinary, wide-ranging approach provides students with a variety of learning and practice opportunities, with continuous and meaningful follow-up feedback, to foster the development of learning skills that will enable students to become responsible global citizens and lifelong learners.
【Dynamic Campus Life】
1.Student Activities
The school has state-of-the-art venues and facilities. Students have wide access to art exhibitions, art and sports programs, and school team opportunities. The school also encourages and offers labour education opportunities such as off-campus farming bases, on-campus experimental fields, cooking classes and life skills classes that are highly sought after by students. Moreover, the Junior School offers a variety of student clubs with different themes, such as debating, Chinese studies, robotics, drones, video editing, karate, instrumental music, dance, band and film dubbing. The diverse clubs allow students to further explore their interests, and develop deeper content knowledge.
2.Purposeful Cultivation System
The Junior School designs a series of programs, such as student-led organizations, career-oriented programs, social emotional learning models, college guidance orientation, as well as home-school activities, and engages students in purposeful and meaningful learning experiences. As a result, students develop solid collaboration, organizational and leadership skills.
3.Resources and Platforms
The school provides a comprehensive range of resources and platforms for students to achieve their full potential. Authorized by international examination bodies in the US, UK and China, the school operates an international assessment centre, enabling students to take a wide range of standardized examinations such as IGCSE, IELTS, TOEFL, AP, etc. on campus. The school also engages its students in various academic competitions such as AMC, Kangaroo Math, Waterloo, ISSDC to improve their academic performance. In addition, our students are provided with various channels through which they can broaden their international perspective, including seven consecutive years of participation in UNESCO Mobile Learning Week, participation in UN Women’s Peer Leadership for Healthy Relationship Programme, Model APEC Programme, Forum for World Education, FerMUN and many more.
【Our Philosophy】
Holistic Approach & Immersive Experience & Prepared Environment
● Holistic approach:
The approach adopted by RFLS-Elementary is more focused on holistic development, which is grounded in the well-respected Chinese moral values, takes academic development at its core, and uses arts, physical and labor education to add a dimension to the students’ holistic development.
● Immersive experience:
We are consistently linking elements of our educational concepts through all the scenes of life, from classroom, to cafeteria, and to dormitory; and through the design of our school schedule, including time for class, activity and rest, as well as family hour and holidays.
● Prepared environment:
It refers to a well-thought out environment designed with the students in mind. The goal of the prepared environment is to foster holistic development in the students.
【Our Mission】
RFLS (Elementary) aims at the cultivation of future learners with a sense of patriotic spirit and global mindedness. To achieve this, we integrate the very best of Chinese and international concepts and pedagogies, and focus on the holistic development of students which is grounded in the well-respected Chinese moral values.
【Prospective Students】
1. 1st graders
2. Transfer students in grades 1 to 6
【Class Options】
1. Integrated Class
These classes are managed by a team of foreign and Chinese teachers. Working together, these teachers provide individualized care and discipline important to developing the minds and character of about 22 students lovingly entrusted to them. The integrated class utilizes the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program as a structure to deliver integrated studies in a bilingual immersion context. The Chinese national curriculum is introduced in the class to meet the learning goals of both programs, and to prepare students for a smooth transition to any public school in China and international IB school.
2. Comprehensive Class
These class sizes average about 25 students and are managed by a team of Chinese homeroom teachers and childcare teachers who provide the care and discipline important to developing the minds and the character of students. The comprehensive class uses the standard Chinese national curriculum but also cultivates English proficiency through co-teaching of the Chinese and foreign English teachers. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities held by the school to improve practical English skills.
【Curriculum Design】
1. Core Academic Program
RFLS (Elementary) uses an integrated curriculum system that incorporates the very best of Chinese and western educational concepts and pedagogy. The Chinese National Curriculum is the core academic program in elementary school and helps students to build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, as well as to develop good habits and critical thinking skills in our students.
2. Arts & P.E Program
Based on the Chinese National Curriculum, we have developed a school-based curriculum that is adapted to the students’ individual needs. Swimming and dance courses are an essential component of the educational process for students at RFLS (Elementary). The arts and physical education offerings add a dimension to the students’ academic programs, cultivating artistic and physical abilities applicable to their academic programs.
3. After-School Activities
Students are encouraged to choose additional after-school activities from our varying offerings. We aim to cultivate well-rounded talents with a specialty within our students. Through our elective program, students are encouraged to focus on the long-term development of one particular skill or talent.
4. Extensive Practical Program
Students at RFLS (Elementary) have many opportunities for extensive practical program, activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond. The extensive practical programs substantiate our holistic education and are offered to improve students’ existing abilities and develop organizational and leadership skills.
5. Inquiry-Based Program
The Primary Year Program focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored using knowledge and skills derived from six subject areas, as well as transdisciplinary skills, with an emphasis on inquiry.
6. STEAM Interdisciplinary Program
RFLS (Elementary) believes strongly that project-based learning effectively engages students and instills in them a love for active exploration. The program introduces interdisciplinary knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics combined with project-based learning. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as solid collaboration and communication skills.
【Outstanding Faculty】
● Experienced Foreign Teachers
● Overseas Returnees and Bilingual Teachers
● Experienced Chinese Teachers
● Childcare teachers with years of experience in student management
● A teacher-student ratio of 1 to 5
【School Services】
1. Daycare service
The school offers after-school daycare service, supervised by subject teachers, to help students finish their study tasks for the day and encourage independent reading.
2. Life in RFLS (Elementary)
Our catering, school bus and boarding management teams work judiciously to provide safe environment where parents will be assured with entrusting their child into our care.
The Beijing Royal Kindergarten has been a vital part of the Beijing Royal Campus since 2009. The school’s interior space of almost 10,000 square meters and landscaped grounds covering 3,000 square meters combine to create a spacious, child-friendly environment for each pupil. The kindergarten was featured on lists of China’s top-ten kindergartens in 2016, and received an AAAAA rating for Social Organizations in 2020. Our accreditation as an Experimental Kindergarten by China Montessori Experts Association in 2017, and an IB school authorized by IBO in 2019, means that even our youngest students can experience the wider world. Integrating the very best of Chinese and international concepts and pedagogies, BRK aims at the holistic development of children aged between 1 and 6 years, and the cultivation of lifelong learners with a sense of patriotic spirit and global mindedness. The kindergarten currently offers 19 classes and enrolls more than 400 students.
1. Prospective Students
Children aged between 1 and 3 years
Class options: Classic Class and International Class
2. Curriculum Design
BRK believes strongly that the IB-PYP Inquiry-based Learning method can effectively engage students and instills in them a love for active exploration. For students in pre-k, we provide five courses, including Montessori, music, art and craft, logical thinking and sensory integration for your child to explore different learning skills, while ensuring their holistic development.
1. Prospective Students
Children aged between 3 and 6 years
Class options: Classic Class, International Class and Montessori International Class
2. Curriculum Design
• IB-PYP Program
IB-PYP is an international curriculum that is problem-oriented, makes use of proven pedagogies like KWL, and balances development of conceptual understandings with mastery of practical skills, while inculcating a sense of personal responsibility.
• Montessori Program
Adapted from the key concepts of the Montessori education, our course aims to foster and provide a holistic approach through an integrated, student-centered, and hands-on learning experience. We believe that such an environment will develop a child’s independence as well as collaborative skills, and develop an aptitude for learning.
• English Program
The course, organized around PYP inquiry-based themes, use carefully selected classic and contemporary picture books, including Tot Talk (U.S.-based Pearson Group), Kid’s Box and Uncle Craig’s Phonics (Cambridge University Press), and Oxford Reading Tree (Oxford University Press).
• Little Orator Program
Students at RRK have many opportunities for co-curricular activities, such as Little Orator. These activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond, are offered to improve independent thinking and communicative skills, and develop confidence and composure.
• Multi-age Experience Zones
Multi-age experience zones and activities enable our children to choose from among more than 20 experience zones with multi-age appeal.
• Physical Education Program
Our physical education includes physical training, street dance, roller skating and swimming that develop children’s physical coordination and artistic performance.
• Traditional Chinese Culture Program
Disciple Rules for Children/ Three Character Primer/Thousand-Character Classics/ The Rhyming Pair / Classical poetry
Dear parents:
Before your kids come to the kindergarten, be advised of the following requirements:
A. Physical examination
1,Go to Chang Ping Maternity and Child Care Hospital or Beijing Chang Ping Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine and undertake the physical examination one month before your child comes to the kindergarten。
2,On the morning of the physical examination, please make sure your child abstains from food and fluids.
3,If your child leaves the kindergarten or Beijing for more than 2 months they need to redo this examination.
4,Things to prepare before coming to the kindergarten:
- Physical examination form
- Child vaccination certificate
- Beijing children’s health record book
- Child birth certificate
- Valid ID card for children and parents and your family registration book
- 8 one-inch color photos
★Please take all the original and copy files to Admission Office when you come to the kindergarten.
B. Shuttle policy
- 1.07:30-08:00 come to kindergarten, 17:15-17:30 leave kindergarten.
- In order to ensure good working condition, please do not stay in the kindergarten for too long time after picking up your child
- If you ask other people to pick up your kids please let our teachers know in advance. The children can leave after confirmation has been made.
- If you cannot pick up the kids on time, our teacher can take care of them ( 80 RMB/ hour between 17:30-19:30 )
- Parents please keep behave properly when you come to the kindergarten.
C. Payment System
- Parents please go to the accounting office to date all the costs before your kid arrives. (Payment date from 25th to 31st of each month)
D. Pay attention to the following matters
- Parents please prepare 2 clean sets of inside and outside clothes, socks and a pair of shoes.
- If your child has any infectious disease, please take isolation measures in order to ensure the other children’s health.
- If the child is ill and needs to take medicine, please fill in the medicine form, to avoid any errors.
- If your child has special problems, such as: allergies (food and drug), convulsions, seizures, Parents should fill in the appropriate document, and let the teacher know, in order to avoid accidents.
- When you drop your children at the garden, please do not stop your car at the front door. You can park your car on both sides of the main entrance, to ensure the safety of children.
Believe that we can give a wonderful childhood to your kids.
- High School
Prospective Students
9th grade junior high school graduates
Transfer students in grades 10 to 12Curriculum Design
1. Programs(1)AP Program
In 2006, Beijing Royal School was the first to introduce the United States AP program in China and currently offers 32 AP Courses. As the first AP school in China and the one offering the most subjects in China, we have been designated by the College Board as the only AP Teaching Demonstration School in China. All AP teachers at BRS have passed the AP Program Audit held by the College Board. Bilingual AP textbooks authored by master BRS AP teachers have been instrumental to student success. Over the years, Beijing Royal School has maintained a high pass rate in AP exams, facilitating the successful conversion of many graduates’ AP scores to U.S. college credits, enabling them to graduate early from college. Many AP program students were accepted into high-caliber world universities, such as University of Pennsylvania, California Institute of Technology, Washington University in St. Louis, and Cornell University.(2)A-Level Program
Since 2003, Beijing Royal School has offered A-Level courses by Cambridge International Examinations Committee. It is a certified course and examination center of CIE, Pearson Edexcel and Oxford AQA in the country, and is also a strategic partner of CIE and a gold school of Oxford AQA.
At present, Beijing Royal School offers 21 A-Level courses, including the golden subjects required in order for students to apply to study abroad. The A-Level faculty includes a number of official Cambridge International Examinations teacher trainers and exam markers.
BRS’s pass rate for A* is higher than the world’s average score, and many A-Level program students were accepted into top-notch world universities, such as University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Imperial College, University of California-Berkeley, University of Toronto, and Nanyang Technological University.
(3)IB Program
In January 2018, Beijing Royal School became an IB World School, authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and mutual respect. IBDP is globally recognized by top universities worldwide.
BRS’s IBO authorization was achieved in less than two years because of the school’s abundant international education experience, outstanding teaching faculty and school facilities. The school offers 13 core courses of six major subjects, and the faculty includes a number of official subject examiners with extensive IB teaching experience. Many IB program students were accepted into top-notch world universities, such as University of Chicago, Emory University, and King’s College London.
(4)OSSD Program
OSSD is a cooperative program between Beijing Royal School (Senior High) and the Toronto Bureau of Education, offering students the opportunity to earn a Canada Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), qualifying students for admission to British Commonwealth and U.S. universities.
In addition to academic preparation, OSSD provides rich and practical extra-curricular activities and study tours, comprehensive college and systematic life skills counseling. Since OSSD’s introduction in 2016, many BRS-Canada Program’s graduating students have been accepted into their first choice universities, such as University of Toronto, McMaster University, McGill University, and King’s College London.
2. Study-Abroad Art Program
Beijing Royal School is the first international school in China to open study-abroad art program. Since the foundation of BRS’s art studio in 2010, it has cultivated numerous outstanding art graduates. These graduates have been accepted into top-ranked global universities known for excellence in art education, with the rate for scholarship reaching 85 percent.Our study-abroad art program features three major subjects, including visual arts, music and film arts. The visual arts curriculum includes multiple courses such as photography, painting, installation, media art, costume design, architectural design, and illustration design. The music curriculum involves music theory, composition, improvisation, music production, vocal singing, theatre theory practice and other professional courses in music and performance. As a pioneer in film education in China’s high schools, BRS offers a film arts curriculum that includes two courses, film creation and film criticism, designed to enrich and enhance students’ aesthetic and creative abilities. The teachers are graduates of well-known film schools at home and abroad and have many years of experience in the film industry.
Our team of professional art teachers has substantial experience and solid theoretical foundation in international education. At BRS we have China’s first teacher registered by the College Board AP Studio Art, expert teachers with years of experience teaching study-abroad art courses, Ph.D. and M.A. graduates from prestigious universities in China, and professors previously employed by art schools in the United States.
In 2017, Beijing Royal School signed a five-year partnership agreement with MassArt, with the following objectives for BRS students and teachers: to provide priority access to excellent U.S. art education; to receive assistance in preparing high-level portfolios; to advise in improving BRS teaching models and methods for art; and to provide opportunities to participate in the Summer Studios course at MassArt.
- Middle School
【Prospective Students】
1. 5-6th grade elementary school graduates
2. Transfer students in grades 6 to 9【Curriculum Design】
1.Core Academic Courses
As an IBO-accredited IB school, Beijing Royal Foreign Language School (Junior-high) uses an integrated curriculum system based on the Chinese National Curriculum, supplemented by the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme as a structure, and also compatible with the Cambridge Secondary 1/IGCSE course content. It offers eight core academic courses including Chinese, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Individual and Society, Science, Physical Education, Art and Design.2.School-based Electives
Students at RFLS (Junior-high) are encouraged to choose additional electives from a wide range of options such as TOEFL/IELTS, second foreign language, cultural appreciation, creative writing, arts and sports, and many others. These electives add a dimension to the students’ academic programme and meet their individual developmental needs.3.Inquiry-based Practical Program
Students at RFLS (Junior-high) have many opportunities for practical program, activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond. The extensive practical programs substantiate our holistic education and are offered to improve students’ existing abilities and develop social responsibility.4.Professional Arts Courses
The school provides access to high-quality resources of arts colleges and arts troupes, giving students the opportunity to study professional orchestral music, musical theatre, opera and drama so as to enhance their artistic perception and creativity.【Outstanding Faculty】
• A teacher-student ratio of 1 to 4;
• Experienced foreign teachers;
• Overseas returnees and bilingual teachers with a master’s degree or higher, and solidly grounded teaching expertise;
• Class teachers who are enthusiastic about a teaching career and will support the students in all aspects of their schooling.【Teaching Method】
Guided by the IB-MYP educational philosophy, the RFLS (Junior-high) adopts proven teaching concepts and student-centered teaching practices. While emphasizing the acquisition of basic knowledge, we focus on developing students’ study habits and learning skills, laying a solid foundation for lifelong learning.1.Bilingual Teaching
RFLS (Junior-high) creates a bilingual immersion context where Chinese and foreign teachers provide full English or bilingual instruction. Level-based teaching is used throughout the curriculum in subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, art, physical education and others taught in English. Second language courses in Spanish, French, Japanese and Korean are also offered at RFLS (Junior-high).2.Collaborative Learning
Students at RFLS (Junior-high) are encouraged to work together with their peers to complete complicated tasks through discussion, debate, collaboration, inquiry, and reflection. As a result, students develop solid collaboration, organizational and leadership skills.3.Interdisciplinary Learning
RFLS (Junior-high) believes strongly that interdisciplinary learning program effectively engages students in purposeful and meaningful learning experiences. This program exposes students to a variety of subjects and challenges them to combine knowledge from different subjects for in-depth research, and encourages them to present their research using diverse presentations. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as new learning experiences.4.Experiential Learning
Students in different grades have many opportunities for practical programs, activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond. Our extensive practical programs add a dimension to the students’ academic programs, and are offered to improve students’ application, collaborative and reflective skills.5.Multiple Assessment Approaches
Multiple assessment approaches offer different students the opportunity to demonstrate their strengths and understanding of learning. The multiple approaches include internal and external assessment, formative and summative assessment, paper-based and activity-based assessment, teacher assessment and self- and peer-assessment, and subject-based and project-based design assessment. Continuous and systematic assessment provides a comprehensive and fair reflection on students’ academic development, increase students’ motivation and self-confidence, and thus enhance their academic performance.6.Approaches to Learning (ATL)
The school has progressively incorporated the International Baccalaureate Organization’s Approaches to Learning (ATL) framework into teaching practices, the development of skills including communication, social interaction, self-management, research and reflection and student activities. A multidisciplinary, wide-ranging approach provides students with a variety of learning and practice opportunities, with continuous and meaningful follow-up feedback, to foster the development of learning skills that will enable students to become responsible global citizens and lifelong learners.【Dynamic Campus Life】
1.Student Activities
The school has state-of-the-art venues and facilities. Students have wide access to art exhibitions, art and sports programs, and school team opportunities. The school also encourages and offers labour education opportunities such as off-campus farming bases, on-campus experimental fields, cooking classes and life skills classes that are highly sought after by students. Moreover, the Junior School offers a variety of student clubs with different themes, such as debating, Chinese studies, robotics, drones, video editing, karate, instrumental music, dance, band and film dubbing. The diverse clubs allow students to further explore their interests, and develop deeper content knowledge.2.Purposeful Cultivation System
The Junior School designs a series of programs, such as student-led organizations, career-oriented programs, social emotional learning models, college guidance orientation, as well as home-school activities, and engages students in purposeful and meaningful learning experiences. As a result, students develop solid collaboration, organizational and leadership skills.3.Resources and Platforms
The school provides a comprehensive range of resources and platforms for students to achieve their full potential. Authorized by international examination bodies in the US, UK and China, the school operates an international assessment centre, enabling students to take a wide range of standardized examinations such as IGCSE, IELTS, TOEFL, AP, etc. on campus. The school also engages its students in various academic competitions such as AMC, Kangaroo Math, Waterloo, ISSDC to improve their academic performance. In addition, our students are provided with various channels through which they can broaden their international perspective, including seven consecutive years of participation in UNESCO Mobile Learning Week, participation in UN Women’s Peer Leadership for Healthy Relationship Programme, Model APEC Programme, Forum for World Education, FerMUN and many more. - Primary School
【Our Philosophy】
Holistic Approach & Immersive Experience & Prepared Environment● Holistic approach:
The approach adopted by RFLS-Elementary is more focused on holistic development, which is grounded in the well-respected Chinese moral values, takes academic development at its core, and uses arts, physical and labor education to add a dimension to the students’ holistic development.● Immersive experience:
We are consistently linking elements of our educational concepts through all the scenes of life, from classroom, to cafeteria, and to dormitory; and through the design of our school schedule, including time for class, activity and rest, as well as family hour and holidays.● Prepared environment:
It refers to a well-thought out environment designed with the students in mind. The goal of the prepared environment is to foster holistic development in the students.【Our Mission】
RFLS (Elementary) aims at the cultivation of future learners with a sense of patriotic spirit and global mindedness. To achieve this, we integrate the very best of Chinese and international concepts and pedagogies, and focus on the holistic development of students which is grounded in the well-respected Chinese moral values.【Prospective Students】
1. 1st graders
2. Transfer students in grades 1 to 6【Class Options】
1. Integrated Class
These classes are managed by a team of foreign and Chinese teachers. Working together, these teachers provide individualized care and discipline important to developing the minds and character of about 22 students lovingly entrusted to them. The integrated class utilizes the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program as a structure to deliver integrated studies in a bilingual immersion context. The Chinese national curriculum is introduced in the class to meet the learning goals of both programs, and to prepare students for a smooth transition to any public school in China and international IB school.2. Comprehensive Class
These class sizes average about 25 students and are managed by a team of Chinese homeroom teachers and childcare teachers who provide the care and discipline important to developing the minds and the character of students. The comprehensive class uses the standard Chinese national curriculum but also cultivates English proficiency through co-teaching of the Chinese and foreign English teachers. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities held by the school to improve practical English skills.【Curriculum Design】
1. Core Academic Program
RFLS (Elementary) uses an integrated curriculum system that incorporates the very best of Chinese and western educational concepts and pedagogy. The Chinese National Curriculum is the core academic program in elementary school and helps students to build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, as well as to develop good habits and critical thinking skills in our students.2. Arts & P.E Program
Based on the Chinese National Curriculum, we have developed a school-based curriculum that is adapted to the students’ individual needs. Swimming and dance courses are an essential component of the educational process for students at RFLS (Elementary). The arts and physical education offerings add a dimension to the students’ academic programs, cultivating artistic and physical abilities applicable to their academic programs.3. After-School Activities
Students are encouraged to choose additional after-school activities from our varying offerings. We aim to cultivate well-rounded talents with a specialty within our students. Through our elective program, students are encouraged to focus on the long-term development of one particular skill or talent.4. Extensive Practical Program
Students at RFLS (Elementary) have many opportunities for extensive practical program, activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond. The extensive practical programs substantiate our holistic education and are offered to improve students’ existing abilities and develop organizational and leadership skills.5. Inquiry-Based Program
The Primary Year Program focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It is a framework guided by six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, explored using knowledge and skills derived from six subject areas, as well as transdisciplinary skills, with an emphasis on inquiry.6. STEAM Interdisciplinary Program
RFLS (Elementary) believes strongly that project-based learning effectively engages students and instills in them a love for active exploration. The program introduces interdisciplinary knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics combined with project-based learning. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as solid collaboration and communication skills.【Outstanding Faculty】
● Experienced Foreign Teachers
● Overseas Returnees and Bilingual Teachers
● Experienced Chinese Teachers
● Childcare teachers with years of experience in student management
● A teacher-student ratio of 1 to 5【School Services】
1. Daycare service
The school offers after-school daycare service, supervised by subject teachers, to help students finish their study tasks for the day and encourage independent reading.2. Life in RFLS (Elementary)
Our catering, school bus and boarding management teams work judiciously to provide safe environment where parents will be assured with entrusting their child into our care. - Kindergarten
The Beijing Royal Kindergarten has been a vital part of the Beijing Royal Campus since 2009. The school’s interior space of almost 10,000 square meters and landscaped grounds covering 3,000 square meters combine to create a spacious, child-friendly environment for each pupil. The kindergarten was featured on lists of China’s top-ten kindergartens in 2016, and received an AAAAA rating for Social Organizations in 2020. Our accreditation as an Experimental Kindergarten by China Montessori Experts Association in 2017, and an IB school authorized by IBO in 2019, means that even our youngest students can experience the wider world. Integrating the very best of Chinese and international concepts and pedagogies, BRK aims at the holistic development of children aged between 1 and 6 years, and the cultivation of lifelong learners with a sense of patriotic spirit and global mindedness. The kindergarten currently offers 19 classes and enrolls more than 400 students.
【Pre-kindergarten】1. Prospective Students
Children aged between 1 and 3 years
Class options: Classic Class and International Class
2. Curriculum Design
BRK believes strongly that the IB-PYP Inquiry-based Learning method can effectively engage students and instills in them a love for active exploration. For students in pre-k, we provide five courses, including Montessori, music, art and craft, logical thinking and sensory integration for your child to explore different learning skills, while ensuring their holistic development.
1. Prospective Students
Children aged between 3 and 6 years
Class options: Classic Class, International Class and Montessori International Class
2. Curriculum Design
• IB-PYP Program
IB-PYP is an international curriculum that is problem-oriented, makes use of proven pedagogies like KWL, and balances development of conceptual understandings with mastery of practical skills, while inculcating a sense of personal responsibility.
• Montessori Program
Adapted from the key concepts of the Montessori education, our course aims to foster and provide a holistic approach through an integrated, student-centered, and hands-on learning experience. We believe that such an environment will develop a child’s independence as well as collaborative skills, and develop an aptitude for learning.
• English Program
The course, organized around PYP inquiry-based themes, use carefully selected classic and contemporary picture books, including Tot Talk (U.S.-based Pearson Group), Kid’s Box and Uncle Craig’s Phonics (Cambridge University Press), and Oxford Reading Tree (Oxford University Press).
• Little Orator Program
Students at RRK have many opportunities for co-curricular activities, such as Little Orator. These activities that extend the boundaries and experiences of learning from the classroom to the world beyond, are offered to improve independent thinking and communicative skills, and develop confidence and composure.
• Multi-age Experience Zones
Multi-age experience zones and activities enable our children to choose from among more than 20 experience zones with multi-age appeal.
• Physical Education Program
Our physical education includes physical training, street dance, roller skating and swimming that develop children’s physical coordination and artistic performance.
• Traditional Chinese Culture Program
Disciple Rules for Children/ Three Character Primer/Thousand-Character Classics/ The Rhyming Pair / Classical poetry
NoticeDear parents:
Before your kids come to the kindergarten, be advised of the following requirements:
A. Physical examination
1,Go to Chang Ping Maternity and Child Care Hospital or Beijing Chang Ping Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine and undertake the physical examination one month before your child comes to the kindergarten。
2,On the morning of the physical examination, please make sure your child abstains from food and fluids.
3,If your child leaves the kindergarten or Beijing for more than 2 months they need to redo this examination.
4,Things to prepare before coming to the kindergarten:
- Physical examination form
- Child vaccination certificate
- Beijing children’s health record book
- Child birth certificate
- Valid ID card for children and parents and your family registration book
- 8 one-inch color photos
★Please take all the original and copy files to Admission Office when you come to the kindergarten.
B. Shuttle policy
- 1.07:30-08:00 come to kindergarten, 17:15-17:30 leave kindergarten.
- In order to ensure good working condition, please do not stay in the kindergarten for too long time after picking up your child
- If you ask other people to pick up your kids please let our teachers know in advance. The children can leave after confirmation has been made.
- If you cannot pick up the kids on time, our teacher can take care of them ( 80 RMB/ hour between 17:30-19:30 )
- Parents please keep behave properly when you come to the kindergarten.
C. Payment System
- Parents please go to the accounting office to date all the costs before your kid arrives. (Payment date from 25th to 31st of each month)
D. Pay attention to the following matters
- Parents please prepare 2 clean sets of inside and outside clothes, socks and a pair of shoes.
- If your child has any infectious disease, please take isolation measures in order to ensure the other children’s health.
- If the child is ill and needs to take medicine, please fill in the medicine form, to avoid any errors.
- If your child has special problems, such as: allergies (food and drug), convulsions, seizures, Parents should fill in the appropriate document, and let the teacher know, in order to avoid accidents.
- When you drop your children at the garden, please do not stop your car at the front door. You can park your car on both sides of the main entrance, to ensure the safety of children.
Believe that we can give a wonderful childhood to your kids.