Technology Brings A Wealth of International Academic Options
Satellite Distance Education and Mobile Learning enable students to take advantage of a wide array of international learning programs.

Ability Grouping and Attention to Individual Learning Styles
Ability grouping has been in effect for eight years at BRS. We are constantly improving on the model through continuous assessment of students’ academic aptitudes, interests and growth potential. In this way we care create a learning environment that is both nurturing and challenging and thereby ensures all students succeed.
Wide Course Selection Supports Student-Centered Learning
BRS students can choose courses from more than 40 subject areas according to their aptitudes and interests. This policy gives students the opportunity to explore a variety of disciplines. Enabling students to express their learning preferences promotes learning and creates positive relationships between students and their teacher-mentors

Mobile Learning
Mobile learning has not only relieved the students of heavy textbooks but has also enabled them to learn “anytime, anywhere.” With mobile technology, students can learn at their own pace, using self-evaluation tools to chart their own progress. Mobile apps are also connecting teachers with students and familie, improving communication ands students to receive continuous feedback and round the clock coaching and academic support.
Satellite Distance Education
Satellite learning has given BRS students the ability to enroll in distance learning courses from top schools and universities around the world. Even more important, BRS has used its satellite network to share resources, teachers and expertise with underserved learners and teachers in schools throughout China, especially those in remote areas.