Every Day Holds Potential for Progress | June Activities
Welcome to our monthly SPOTLIGHT! This month we share highlights from some of the exciting learning experiences and activities taking place on the BRS campus and beyond! IB CAS PROGRAMME Love Charity Sales …
BRS’s Class of 2024 Commencement
Accomplishment, joy, and abundant gratitude took center stage as our proud graduates of the Class of 2024 and their loved ones gathered for their graduation on May 24 to celebrate their remarkable accomplishments.
2023 in Review: Milestones, Moments, and More
As we’re counting down the days until the New Year and tallying up the events that defined 2023, some of the most notable milestones and defining moments stand out.
November: Rejoice! Exciting News and Updates Await
What happened in November? On the BRS campus, November has been a month of celebration, as our school achieved the prestigious NEASC/CIPASH accreditation. This milestone distinguishes us as the first international school t …
Imparting Empathy: An Essential Component of Education
Among the five traditional Chinese virtues – benevolence (仁 in Chinese), righteousness (义), propriety (礼), wisdom (智), and trustworthiness (信) – benevolence holds the highest rank. Similar to philanthropy in Western culture, it boa …
United as One BRS Family
BRS family members are like branches on a tree; Although we all grow in different directions, our roots always unite as one. Set for New Learning Goals: Welcome to the 2023/24 School Year The month of September at BRS …
Looking Forward through the Rear-View Mirror
As the 2022-2023 school year draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on all the amazing achievements and interesting events that have occurred in our school.
Join This Year’s Campus Exhibition Galore
This month at BRS, we witnessed the vibrant spirit of learning come alive. BRS’s dynamic environment breathes life into the world of arts and interdisciplinary themes, showcased magnificently through our students’ captivating projects d …
Eighteen, the Prime of Youth
This Month at BRSBRS celebrated the Coming of Age Ceremony for the Class of 2023, which is a beloved tradition that marks the passage of graduates into adulthood. The ceremony included the Guan and Ji Li, a Han etiquette tradition honor …
Seeds of Hope are Sprouting around BRS Campus
Welcome! A new year has begun, and we are excited to bring a special feature, the “SPOTLIGHT”, where we share insights into the amazing things happening at our school. The “SPOTLIGHT” also highlights the innovative, effective teachin …
Students of International School and the Education They Desire
For those students who are bound for overseas higher education, how to select a best-fit school from numerous international schools in China is a common concern for many families.
BRS’s Graduating Cohort: Navigating Their Way Amid Pandemic Challenges
Since the covid-19 epidemic first broke out at the end of 2019, the start of the national fight against the epidemic in 2020, and then at this moment of the year, and if we then look back at these times that have been accompanied by the …