Dr. WANG Guangfa, Principal of Beijing Royal School

  • Doctor of Laws at China University of Political Science and Law

  • President of Beijing Fazheng Group

  • Principal of Beijing Royal School

  • President of Dalian Jiahui Education Group

  • Vice President of Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce

  • Vice President of Council for Promoting South-South Cooperation

  • Vice Chairman of China Globalization Think Tank Foundation

  • Senior Vice Chairman of CCG (Center for China & Globalization)

  • Expert Vice Chairman of the Leadership Committee of Strategic Thinking under Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Professor of practice at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Board Member of China Foreign Affairs University

  • Board Member of China University of Political Science and Law

  • Student Mentor for Entrepreneurship at University Of Science & Technology Beijing

  • Adjunct Professor at Beijing Normal University

  • Vice Chairman of Board of Trustees of Institute for Governance Studies at Tsinghua University

  • Vice Director of the Association for the Promotion of Legal Exchanges across the Taiwan Straits

  • China's Chief Consultant in the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

  • Expert Consultation Committee Member of the Educational Modernization Institute in Key Development Project of Jiangsu Province

  • Standing Director of China Education Association for International Exchange

  • Standing Director of Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy

  • Chief member of the 3rd Committee of Non-Government TCM Healthcare Institutions under Beijing TCM Association

  • Former Vice Chairman of China Association of Chief Financial Officers under the Ministry of Finance



Welcome to Beijing Royal School!

Uniting the best of Chinese and Western traditions, BRS is committed to nurturing responsible global citizens with the international talent and vision to compete at the highest level.

BRS graduates go on to flourish at top universities around the world, including Harvard, Princeton Columbia, Cornell, UC Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College, London.

Since its establishment 20 years ago, BRS has been committed to academic excellence and has adhered to the highest ethical standards. In partnership with Cambridge, Harvard and other leading universities, BRS has offered its teachers unparalleled professional development opportunities. To ensure every student realizes his or her academic potential, BRS has introduced level-based class grouping, stratified instruction calibrated to individual learner needs, assessment separated from instruction, a weighted course credit system and mobile learning. Dedicated to fostering “deep learning,” BRS deploys research-based pedagogies and a wide array of international resources to create an enriching, success-oriented environment for all our students.

BRS is guided by its student-centered philosophy, one that promotes lively engagement, self-discipline and autonomy. We believe that through independence, self-confidence and hard work, all students can possess the power to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

With the new world order come new opportunities, new challenges and a greater demand for globally competitive talent. At BRS we are dedicated to cultivating this talented elite, individuals imbued with Chinese values, possessed of international vision, strategic intelligence and a sense of honesty and personal responsibility. I warmly invite each of you to embrace BRS as the vast stage upon which your talents will develop and be expressed for the benefit of yourselves, your families and our society.

May you enjoy your time here at BRS!

With warm wishes,
Dr. WANG Guangfa
Principal, Beijing Royal School