Project Listing

All kindergarten Activity Middle School Activity High School Activity Primary School Activity
  In order to introduce students to the importance of protecting the environment and the...
 Opening Ceremony of Autumn Basketball League The opening ceremony of the autumn basketball league was...
Rope-Skipping Competition Following the concept of happy work and healthy life, BRS’s academic staff held...
Guidance Meeting on AP Test All types of academic exams have been hit hard by...
Football Match BRS began high school football matches, of which five football matches have been...
Welcome to BRSH Newsletter for the 1st Semester of 2020-2021. 1. 2020 Awards Ceremony for...
On June 5, in honor of the United Nations’ World Environment Day, BRS ploggers jogged-and-plogged...
The first Prize Winners:Liu Hanwen, Chang Han and Wang Xiaoyue On January 4th, the Language...
BRS CLOWN Dancing Club participated in the Fifth Teen Dancers 2017 Competition in Beijing on...
The BRS Second International Debate Competition was successfully heldin the Main Auditorium at 4:30 pm...
We are so proud to announce that the BRS badminton team achieved great success in...
On September 26, the BRS Community Recruitment Group sponsored an event for students to explore...