Newsletter # 19 for the 1st Semester of 2020-2021
  1.  Opening Ceremony of Autumn Basketball League

The opening ceremony of the autumn basketball league was held  on November 2 in the Gymnasium and was  hosted  by Chen Xiaohe from Class 2 of Grade 10 and Liu Ran from Class 9 of Grade 11. The Clown Dance Club performed a very emotional show for the event, followed by speeches from representatives of the athletes and referees and BRS Executive Principal Mr. Heng Xiaojun, who also attended the activity.  Then it was time for the first basketball game to begin and fill everyone and every breath of air in the  gymnasium with the vitality and passion that autumn BRS basketball always brings.


2.  Campus Campaign against Bullying

On Nov. 5, students launched a campus campaign against bullying  in the canteen.  They assembled and performed as a Flash Mob, singing songs in English, leading students to sign anti-bullying posters and distributing manuals about bullying.  They encouraged students to show solidarity and friendship towards others. This activity conforms to educational guidelines and practices and presents a positive, progressive effort to create harmony and kinship on campus.


3.  7th Parents’ Workshop

On the afternoon of November 7, the 7th Parents’ Workshop was held as scheduled with Dr. Yan Xiaofei from the Psychological Consultation Room sharing input with students and parents titled, “How to cultivate children’s self-discipline”.  This workshop provided good ways for parents to encourage and to help cultivate their children’s self-discipline practices, by focusing on problems, confusion, pressures and scientific solutions to use in parent-child education.