A Happy Easter at BRFLS

Students were happy to return to school after the three-day weekend. The teachers from the English Department were excited to celebrate Easter this week!

The Chinese and Foreign English Teachers had prepared a lot for the Easter lesson. They made PPTS and found videos on the history, customs, songs, and stories on the holiday. The teachers wanted to create a wonderful Easter for BRFLS students.

The most fun activity was the Easter carnival at the end of the week. The sports field was divided into an Easter egg decorating station, Happy Bowling and Happy Spelling station, and a face painting section. The teachers painted Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, and butterflies on the students’ faces. Students were very happy and took many pictures together.

Students were happy and gained a lot of knowledge on Easter through this activity. Thank you to all of the teachers for their thought and hard work to help BRFLS students to become world citizens!