A 16-day anti-violence campaign, from“Unite to End Violence against Women”

December 10, 2016 marked end of a 16-day U.N anti-violence campaign, “Unite to End Violence against Women” which launched on November 25th, “Human Rights Day” The campaign highlighted ways males and females of all ages can take to take action to end violence against women and girls and promote global sustainable development.

BRS participated in the global campaign through “Orange Campus-Unite to End Violence against Women and Girls”, an event jointly sponsored by Beijing Royal School, Beijing Normal University and UN Women. Keynote speaker, Zhuli Tang, Director of UN Women, China shared practical activities that BRS students can do to eliminate violence against women and promote gender equality. Among other speakers were ten BRS students, male and female, who movingly shared their own stories of promoting gender equity.


▲Ms Zhuli Tang, Director of UN Women China District has delivered a speech, calling for students participating in the activities eliminating violence against women

▲Charles Pei, Deputy Principal of Beijing Royal School, endorses the campaign


▲150 BRS students create colorful posters calling for gender equality and violence elimination

▲Students deliver heart-felt messages to the world

▲BRS students sharing experiences of promoting gender equality and opposing violence against women.