Explore the Animal World, Share Beautiful Earth

BRFLS always creates a great, interesting, and challenging learning experience for students. This month, the unit of PYP is about how humans and other creatures share the world.

Teachers also prepared an exploration question for BRFLS students: what needs do animals have? Are their needs satisfied?
On April 6th, students of grade one, class one and two visited the Beijing zoo to answer this challenging question. They were very happy and excited, so they observed the different animals’ appearance, foods, and growing environments very carefully. Then they wrote down their thoughts and observations on their notebooks for further discussions with their classmates.

During the visit, teachers answered students’questions very seriously; they also invited the staff working at Panda House to teach students the living habits of pandas and tell how they take care of pandas.

Children tried to understand the animal’s world with their curiosity and kindness. They began to think what they can do to protect them and share the Earth with them peacefully. This trip was a great learning experience for students.