【Childhood Gallery】Let Children Surf in Their Imagination

In children’s eyes, the world is simple; in children’s soul, life is colorful. Children use their hands to draw what they see in their hearts.

Paintings, is a way to inspire children’s thinking and imagination, and is also a way for children to express what they want to say to the world.

This [childhood gallery] edition is especially designed for parents who have little artists at home. On posts from this special edition, parents can share your comments and give advice to the RFLS. It is also a platform for RFLS students to present their painting works to their friends and family.

My daughter has loved painting ever since she was very little. She always stands beside her brother when he paints. When we go travelling together, she takes her crayons and papers with her to record all that she sees and hears.

Last time, I was shocked when I saw what she drew. My mouth was wide open and later I asked her: “Did you draw all these?” “Yes, these are chips, ice cream, hamburgers and lemon soda.” she answered. Looking at the picture made me feel hungry, because all the food looked so real and vivid.

I never sent my girl to any drawing or painting lessons. The only training she got is from the interest class in RFLS. I feel grateful for this school and proud of my girl!

In order to provide an environment for students to develop fully, RFLS opens various kinds of interest classes, especially on the topic of arts appreciation. Moreover, a DIY class is available for students this semester, which focuses on improving children’s practical skills with their creative imagination.

Ms. Gao has been my daughter’s arts teacher from Grade one. My daughter Chang is now in grade 3, and has improved a lot with Ms. Gao’s help. In this semester, the arts class started to use the K12 curriculum from the USA. Also, Ms. Gao made a script book for every student. With this notebook, children have the chance to practice their painting skills at home and share their progress with their parents. Just like what Principal Julia Ren says, “Professional spirit makes a professional person.” Chang learns this professional spirit from RFLS with Ms. Gao. I believe she will keep improving with her passion of painting as time goes on.

I was deeply touched by one of Chang’s paintings. It was a pretty lady wearing a long dress with two black pleats. It seemed like she was dancing in the wind with a nice smile on her face. When I saw this painting, I felt truly happy because I could tell Chang was happy growing up. My greatest desire for my daughter is for her to grow up into a happy and healthy adult. Thanks for all the help that RFLS gives to my family and my daughter. I appreciate it. Thanks to RFLS for providing a protective and creative environment for my child!

Best wish to Sun Chang from Teacher Gao
It’s my honor to be dear Chang’s teacher. You are a clever and hard-working student. I like you very much. You are kind to your friends. You enjoy life and you like to observe this wonderful world, which are really important traits for painting. I believe you can do better and better if you keep on painting!