Love•imagination: Eva’s paintings-A Letter From Eva’s Parents

In the eyes of a child, life is simple and beautiful, and the world is a safe place.
Painting stimulates creativity, attention to detail, imagination, and is also an outlet for children to express themselves.
We offer the Child’s Gallery as a special place. It is a place to display all the work the young students at BRFLS have work so hard to create.
My daughter’s name is Yiyi WU, and her English name is Eva. Because of my work hours, I cannot stay with her all of the time. She plays by herself, and loves painting. However, since she was already learning how to play the piano. I had her stick with learning piano, rather than painting.

Through her time in kindergarten and primary school at BRFLS, she told me all about her painting lessons. At first I thought that she just wanted to paint for fun. But on her seventh birthday, she wished to become an art teacher. At that time, I realized that painting was her passion.

When Eva was seven years old, she began to learn how to paint. Through her work I could see her thoughts and feelings. She’s full of creativity and love. She loves to paint all sorts of thing; people, landscapes, and even abstract. Painting has become her favorite hobby.

I bought a fish bowl with many fish in it, but now there are only two left.

I often take Eva to an island resort, she loves playing in the water.

The moon is so big and lovely. We enjoy telling each other stories about the moon.

I bought Eva a hand drawn map of the world and of China. I hope that they can inspire Eva to travel and see the world.

My sister’s dog passed away. And I said to Eva, “If you love something, treat it well.” Because of this, Eva takes good care of all of her toys.

Eva is still little, and needs more time to experience the world.

Eva is sensible, well behaved, sensitive, kind, and considerate of others. She has improved so much from when she first learned how to draw. Now, she can draw magnificent pictures. We want to say that you to Teacher GAO, Teacher GU, and everyone at BRFLS. Even if Eva does not pursue painting in the future, is brings us joy to see her paint with passion as a child.
Eva, always follow your heart. I hope all of your dreams come true.

Message from Teacher Gu: YiYi WU is quiet and lovely little girl, her painting is wonderful. I hope you can paint better and better with your painting brush.