The Soul Music from Zither—A Letter From 2(5) Wang Shiyuhan’s Parent.

My daughter, Yuhan, fell in love the first time she saw the traditional Chinese string instrument, the zither.

Right away, she knew that playing the zither was her passion, and when she was in grade one she enrolled in the Zither Club. The talented Ms. Xiao Liulingzi led the club. After her first lesson, she could not wait to tell me how much fun she had. She described he teacher as “magical.” I was so happy to hear that she enjoyed her lesson.

The zither is a traditional Chinese instrument. It is a highly regarded form of art, and originated with only the noble being able to learn how to play it. Instruments are difficult to learn, and the zither is no exception, especially for young children. The best way for young children to learn how to play the zither is from an expert. Ms. Xiao is a very patient and experienced teacher. She also goes above and beyond, and is always willing to give students additional one on one instruction after class.

At the 8th Chinese Youth Art Festival, the Zither Club won a prize for their performance of, “The Seas Laugh.” Yuhan and her peers did an astounding job. I was so proud of her!

Ms. Xiao is more than a teacher to her students; she is like family. She loves to play with them in her free time, and gives them gifts on holidays.

Ms. Xiao, Yuhan, and other Zither Club members will perform in the upcoming 2017 New Year’s Zither Gala. I am happy that Yuhan will be able to gain this experience and learn from the best!