Child Star, Wei Yi, Shines at BRFLS

Wei Yi is a very lively child. He is also a skillful little actor who loves performing in front of directors and agents.

As a parent, I hope he continues to love acting so he can accept some acting invitations. Hopefully he can have more opportunities as he grows up.

My son, however, is still a student. Academics are his first priority. He loves BRFLS, so he likes to perform outside wearing his BRFLS uniform. He also likes to invite other child stars to come to BRFLS to visit or study.

Because of his passion, he can be seen wearing BRFLS uniform in many commercials, promotional videos, movies, TV series, etc.

He has won several awards for his acting, by working outside of the scene for more than ten hours. Therefore, he doesn’t always have enough hours to study. We have to thank his English, Chinese and Math teachers tremendously for tutoring him after class using their valuable personal time. Without these teachers’ help, he could not focus on his passion.

As a mom of BRFLS student, I sincerely hope every student at BRFLS can have a happy childhood and a bright future!