I am Growing Up – A Great Celebration for the Completion of the Whole First Month for the First Grade.

On the morning of Oct 20th, BRFLS opened the gate and welcomed the arrival of the first graders’ parents.

At the beginning, we arranged a common reading time for the students and their parents. Reading can purify one’s heart, and  reading a book to their children can help parents get closer to their kids. Our students really enjoyed spending time with their parents.

We made a short movie about their lives and growth here at school and all the parents watched this movie to get to know the daily life of their child in detail. When the parents came back to the classrooms, the various classes such as classical Chinese, English singing class showed them just how much their children were learning!

Then students drew the beautiful thanksgiving cards with the direction of the art teachers. It was very obvious to see the rich imagination and expressive talent of students from their products.

In the end, the homeroom teachers reported the daily behaviors of the students in class and at school to their parents for their better improvement.  It is very important for parents and the school to endeavor to create a warm, caring, respectful and tolerant growing environment for students together.