Colors can Tell Stories – A Letter From Xu Xiaoming’s Parent

Through children’s eyes, the world is simple and pure. Their hearts can feel the joys of the world. Their hands can draw the bliss that’s inside of their heart.

My daughter is a student in Grade 3, Class 5 at BRFLS. She began to draw when she was two years old, and to this day enjoys drawing very much. From using her fingers, to crayons and watercolor pens of all colors, from using simple strokes and many figures on a paper, we are surprised by her ability to create what she envisions.

This is the “Tree House.” It is one of the first drawings she did when she was in kindergarten. The drawing was inspired by trifles in her life, observations, and imagination.

“Carnival City” has more elements such as letters, symbols, houses, decorations, flowers, trees, and expressions.

Please enjoy the rest of her works.

“Little Birds with Umbrellas”

“Little Dentists in Kindergarten”

“The Underground Family”



“Happy Garden”

Every time she talks with me about her ideas on different works, her eyes glow! Although children’s hobbies can change as they age, Xiaoming’s love for drawing remains consistent. She loves to talk about art. She says that she does not have enough time for art, because she has to wash her pens after Chinese Painting Class. We can tell that she is in good spirits.

My daughter, keep drawing what you are thinking!   Come on!

Words from art teachers:

She always has a sweet smile, and she is very smart and very talented.  I hope you can fully take advantage of it and make a lot of progress.