Happy New Year!

As the end of the first half of the 2018-2019 school year quickly approaches, we would like to wish all of our students, teachers, parents and staff members a Happy New Year!

On December 28, BRS ushered in the beginning of 2019 by staging evenings filled with a rich variety of innovative performances, including singers, dancers, mixed choral performers, recitation, musicians performing, traditional crosstalk and many other displays of talent. Audiences showered those performers with appreciative applause and gleeful responses.

Our sincerest thanks go to students who practiced many hours to perfect their performances, and also to our dedicated teachers and staff. The wonderful festivities kicked off the holiday season with a joyful spirit, showcasing the versatile talents of all those participating as well as the joyful support of the BRS community. All shared laughter and good memories and animated our community with their happiness.

Once again, happy holidays to all!