BRFLS Hosts the 2nd Poetry Performance to Celebrate Children’s Day

On June 1st, 2018, all the students of BRFLS and some parent representatives gathered together in the school auditorium to celebrate Children’s Day. This was also the 2nd BRFLS Poetry Performance. There were several types of performances including poetry reciting, singing, dancing, cross talk, and musical instruments.

The teachers from BRFLS Chinese Department as the hosts brought all the audience into a beautiful poetry world.  Everyone present was impressed by the positive energy especially the patriotism delivered by the performers.

At the end of this show, all the faculty, students and parents read aloud a famous Chinese poetry together to wish our country to become stronger and people can have a happy life. Through this activity, students also realized that no matter where they will go in the future, they need to become a global citizen with a Chinese heart.