“Close to the Nature and Learn the Diversity of Creatures” 丨A Trip to the National Animal Museum

After the activity of “Closing to nature, and looking for different species of creatures” in October, the Science Club led the club members to the National Animal Museum and opened up a trip about the exploration of biological species.

Before the event, several teachers in our school did an empirical research of the National Animal Museum. It is closely associated with the unit “Classification” of Grade 7 and Grade 9, and also the unit “Ecosystem” of Grade 9. We chose the students from Class3, Grade 7 to make a questionnaire about the time, the way and the willingness to participate in the trip. Then we made the final arrangement.

Species Calendar

We have prepared the prizes for the students. Such as the exquisite species calendar, dog stickers, and colored notes, etc. Before the visit, we emphasized to the students that they should visit courteously. After getting to the museum, students are quite excited with strong competitive spirits. We paid much attention on the task cards, which added more fun to this activity. In particular, after finding out one exhibit, the students posed for photos with the exhibit and other group members.

Thanks to the task card, this activity is successful and the students benefited a lot from it. The students of Group Peppa Pig won the competition with 90 percent accuracy. In the end, all the students returned to the school safely!