Parents visit BRFLS on School Open Day

On April 14th, the weather was very good as it had beautiful sunshine and breeze. The parents of the first and second grade were invited to visit BRFLS and experience VIP education to students so that they can better understand their children.
Parents had anticipated this day when they could spend time together with their children at school. Look! Some of them were observing a class, while some of them were reading books loudly with their children in Chinese class.
During the morning exercise in the gym, all parents watched martial arts exercise performed by students. The orderly movements and loud slogans attracted the attention of all parents. They took many pictures of their children.
After returning to classrooms, teachers continued to present their well-prepared classes to students and parents. Almost every student actively participated in the class activities. These parents were very happy to see that their children did well in class.
At the end of the last class, the homeroom teacher and the parents discussed children’s behavior and academics. The goal of parents and teachers is the same: To help children grow fast.
Through this school open day, parents got to know BRFLS much better and they all gave a thumbs-up to BRFLS. Please stay tuned for the next school open day for the parents from grade 3 to grade 6.