Newsletter | 校园通讯40期,欢迎锁定!

01 学生组织述职汇报会






图 | 詹敏


On December 31st, the four student-led organizations of BRS (the School Youth League committee, the Student Union, the Student Congress and the Student’s Association Union) reported their work at the end of the semester. Mr. Wang Guangfa, the principal of Beijing Royal School, had attended the meeting with other leaders of the school

The student representatives of each organization reported on the construction, operation, the completion of key work, the characteristic activities, a brief summary and reflection of this semester, and the work outlook of the new year. Each student-led organization completed their set task, with the achievements, features and highlights, fully demonstrating our student organizations helped the construction of campus cultural with outstanding performance.




02 全体教师培训





图 | 毛岸彬


December 31st, On December 31st, Beijing Royal School had successfully held the fourth teacher-themed training activity of this semester. The event consists of six themes, “Focus on Interdisciplinary Teaching”, “Engaging Our Students with Project-based Learning”, “Bilingual Education and Language Acquisition Models”, “Mobile Learning”, “Guiding Students Research”, “Understanding by Design to Support English Language Learners”, and “Homeroom Teachers’ Training”.

During the training session, teachers shared their teaching experience and actively interacted with lecturers, which not only encouraged many young teachers, but also provided important inspiration for the follow-up teaching and research work.



The Quote of the Week:


Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.


——<Forrest Gump>
