
Dr. WANG Guangfa, Principal of Beijing Royal School
  • 中国政法大学法学博士

    Doctor of Laws at China University of Political Science and Law

  • 法政集团董事长

    President of Beijing Fazheng Group

  • 北京王府学校总校长

    Principal of Beijing Royal School

  • 大连嘉汇教育集团董事长、总校长

    President of Dalian Jiahui Education Group

  • 北京市工商联(商会)副会长

    Vice President of Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce

  • 南南合作促进会副会长

    Vice President of Council for Promoting South-South Cooperation

  • 东宇全球化智库基金会副理事长

    Vice Chairman of China Globalization Think Tank Foundation

  • 全球化智库资深副主席

    Senior Vice Chairman of CCG (Center for China & Globalization)

  • 中科院战略思维领导力专家委员会副主任委员

    Expert Vice Chairman of the Leadership Committee of Strategic Thinking under Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校终身教授

    Professor of practice at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • 外交学院董事

    Board Member of China Foreign Affairs University

  • 中国政法大学董事

    Board Member of China University of Political Science and Law

  • 北京科技大学学生创业导师

    Student Mentor for Entrepreneurship at University Of Science & Technology Beijing

  • 北京师范大学兼职教授

    Adjunct Professor at Beijing Normal University

  • 清华大学国家治理研究院副理事长

    Vice Chairman of Board of Trustees of Institute for Governance Studies at Tsinghua University

  • 海峡两岸法学交流促进会副理事长

    Vice Director of the Association for the Promotion of Legal Exchanges across the Taiwan Straits

  • 英国AQA中国首席顾问

    China’s Chief Consultant in the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

  • 江苏教育现代化研究院专家咨询委员会专家

    Expert Consultation Committee Member of the Educational Modernization Institute in Key Development Project of Jiangsu Province

  • 中国教育国际交流协会常务理事

    Standing Director of China Education Association for International Exchange

  • 中国教育发展战略学会常务理事

    Standing Director of Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy

  • 北京中医协会非公中医医疗机构第一届工作委员会主任委员

    Chief member of the 3rd Committee of Non-Government TCM Healthcare Institutions under Beijing TCM Association

  • 财政部中国总会计师协会原副主席等社会职务

    Former Vice Chairman of China Association of Chief Financial Officers under the Ministry of Finance



欢迎来到北京王府学校!这是一所与众不同的学校,它立足中华民族优秀文化和传统, 接轨国际先进理念,培养学识与能力俱佳、中西文化融通的具有国际视野和全球竞争力的国际复合型精英领袖人才。


北京王府学校建校20年来,始终依法合规办学,坚持改革创新,不断提高教学质量。学校与哈佛和剑桥等大学合作开展教师培训, 全面提升教师的综合素质,采用分层教学、教考分离、学分制、移动教学等方式,推进“深度学习“,接轨国际学术要求。学校创造各种条件,引进各种国际教育资源,为学生的成长和发展营造良好环境。


