Jiutian Cai

Jiutian Cai

English Instructor

√Group Leader, 10th Grade, Language Center, English Instructor

√MA, Linguistics & TESOL Ball State University (Muncie, Indiana), College Board Certified AP English Language and Composition

√Jiutian Cai is an outstanding language teacher as well as a nurturing mentor and coach to her students and fellow teachers. She was chosen to serve as a new teacher mentor in the inaugural year of the BRS Faculty Mentorship Program. Among her professional awards are: Silver Medal Coach Award, ACT National Youth English Proficiency (Writing) Competition, BRS Outstanding Homeroom Teacher, and BRS Pre-eminent Educator. She also served as Chief Editor of the voluminous BRS TOEFL Preparation Guide and Workbook. Her dedication and effectiveness are reflected in the achievement of her students, one class being promoted to elite status for their outstanding performance and progress.