The First Week of School—New Hope and New Expectations

The delightful and joyful winter vacation is over, while the intense yet fulfilling school life ushers in a new start. In the first week of school, all the staff and students in BRS devote themselves in their work and study with full passion. Each department, grade and class quickly finds their groove and all work is on the right track.

The whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring. All the plans for the second semester of 2016-2017 has been set out by our diligent teachers. Please overlook splendid activities for this semester. In 2017, we have planting activity, spring outing, IGCSE exam as well as Science Festival. Here are the arrangements:

Dozens of new students join BRS family in this new semester. On Febuary 19th, 2017,all the process, such as registration, division of class, access new class, went on smoothly. We would like to send our welcome to all the new students!

At this golden time, students should rise up early and take this emerging trip seriously. We’re ready for the new semester, new start. All the staff and students in BRS will welcome the challenges in 2017 with an open and broad mind.