BRS Alumni Association First Festivity in Boston

In September 2017, the class of 2017 of BRS stepped into a brand-new journey. When they entered the university campus, they became not only the freshmen but also the new members of the Beijing Royal School Alumni Association.

BRS Alumni Association First Festivity in Boston

The establishment of Beijing Royal School Alumni Association not only builds a premium platform for academic exchange, information sharing and emotional communication, but also implements the top strategy on educational resources and personnel training inherited from Principal Wang Guangfa. This year, there are 19 new alumni coming to the Boston area. They are admitted to Boston University, Boston College, Northeastern University, University of Massachusetts Boston, Brandeis University, Emerson College, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

As a BRS graduate of 2008, Director of Boston Office, Zhai Jiang Yinan is delighted to be able to meet new alumni after 9 years since his graduation from BRS. At the day of alumni event, five new alumni, Tao Wenying, Huang Ruichen, Zhang Jingyang, Li Qiuxian and Liu Xingrui, came to the dinner. Meanwhile, Zhai Jiang Yinan (2008), Zhang cuiying (2011) and Zhao Weiran (2013) joined the dinner as well.

During the event, senior alumni shared lots of experience on academic learning and social life. At the same time, new alumni also talked about the recent changes about Beijing Royal School. The gathering was over until 10:30 pm.

In response to Principal Wang Guangfa’s proposal for the development of BRS Alumni Association, the NC branch office of BRS held a picnic in Falls Lake (Sandling Beach Recreation Area, Shelter 2) for BRS alumni in NC. Besides alumni participants, three BRS teachers studying at NC State and one exchange student of BRS as well as his host family also took part in this special activity.


BRS Boston Office:

Add:950 Massachusetts Ave #C2, Cambridge, MA, USA

Contact:Zhai Jiang Yinan

Tel:612-205-2084 (U.S)


BRS NC Office:

Add: 6350 Quadrangle Dr., 320, Chapel Hill, NC 27517, USA

Contact:Chen Shilei

Tel: +1(919) 928-5072s



BRS London Office:

Add: Beijing Royal School (London), Winston House, 3 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3RA, UK

Contact:Xiao Li

Tel: +86(0)10 80789598
