Newsletter | 校园通讯第16期,欢迎锁定!


BRS began high school football matches, of which five football matches have been successfully held since June 19, on the beautiful campus green field.   Students, full of vitality and galloping everywhere, whether spectator or player, grace our lovely landscape with their youthful, lively figures.   The final football match is planned for October 26 at high noon and all are welcome to cheer our football teams on the field.




In order to enrich campus cultural life and to enhance students’ awareness of physical exercise, tug-of-war competitions between senior high school students have been held and more are scheduled. Three winning teams will be determined through five rounds of student competitions, divided by classes.   The first round of tug-of-war competitions was held the afternoon of October 14th on the BRS playground, and all the participating teams exhibited high spirits and morale. The competition was hard-fought and fiercely competitive. The final  tug-of-war competition is planned for the afternoon of October 26 and teachers and students are all welcome to join us.



10月15日下午,教师发展中心组织开展新教师培训活动。教导处Caleb Aaron Foister老师向15名高中部新入职教师及三年内工作经验的教师们做班级管理技巧培训。在培训中,Caleb Aaron Foister老师围绕情绪管理、学生激励、行为规范和社交技能四个关键问题,进行了有针对性的讲解,为帮助新教师群体尽快融入学校,深入强化教学管理和认知打下良好基础。

On the afternoon of October 15, the Professional Development Center organized a new teacher training. Mr. Caleb Aaron Foister from the Student Affairs Office gave classroom management training to 15 high school teachers, some new and some teachers with less than three years of experience. In the training, Mr.Caleb Aaron Foister targeted explanations on four key issues: Dealing With Anger, Unmotivated Students, Behavior Modification and Socialization Skills.   Identifying, understanding and managing these behaviors lays a good foundation for new teachers to integrate quickly, smoothly and successfully into BRS, further strengthening teaching management and cognition.



10月17日下午,第四期家长课堂活动在线上如期开展。此次活动以“打造课外活动,让你与众不同”为主题,由升学指导中心Andrew Powell老师主讲。讲座中,Andrew Powell老师围绕课外活动的重要性、如何在申请时呈现自己的活动经历以及如何选择适合自己的课外活动等关键问题,为学生及家长们呈现了一堂专业实用的升学指导课。On the afternoon of October 17, the 4th Parents’ Workshop, themed “Standing Apart: Individual Extracurricular Activities”, was conducted online as scheduled by Andrew Powell, a teacher from the Guidance Counseling Office.  He presented a professional and practical how-to seminar for students and parents, stressing the importance of extracurricular activities, how to choose suitable extracurricular activities and how to document one’s experience when completing university applications.




On the morning of September 26th, eleven Grade 11 students of Beijing Royal School participated in the Family Fun & Sport Day, a volunteer event held by Mulan Community Service Center, a non-profit organization offering a wide range of services to female migrant workers and their families. The students explained game rules, served as judges during the game and stamped reward cards of participating families. This service-learning event enabled students to better understand the dynamics of the community and to practice inter-communication skills.  Giving their time to help organize and operate this event is a unique and heartfelt gesture of reach-out support and is truly appreciated by the organizer.


撰稿、翻译 | 高英

英文校稿 | Laura Meyer

图 | 高中部师生