01 线上体育挑战赛
02 团委活动
为了进一步弘扬“五四精神”,凝聚青年力量,增强团员青年荣誉感和责任感,激励引领团员青年厚植爱党、爱国、爱社会主义的情感,永远听党话、跟党走,让红色基因、革命薪火代代传承,5月22日晚,北京王府学校团委通过腾讯线上会议的形式组织开展“喜迎二十大 永远跟党走 奋进新征程”新团员入团宣誓仪式。
On May 22nd, the Youth League Committee of Beijing Royal School organized the oath ceremony for new league members through an online meeting. During the ceremony, students read out the rights and obligations of league members in the Charter of the League, and the student representatives delivered speeches to the new and old league members. Ms. Fang Yuanyuan, vice-principal of Beijing Royal School, warmly congratulated the new students and encouraged them to continue their efforts to improve themselves and make contributions to society.
03 家长课堂第八期
On May 21st, the eighth parents’ workshop was held online as scheduled. Due to the outbreaks of COVID-19, some international exams, like AP, and A-Level have been cancelled in many cities of Mainland China this year. Under these circumstances, how does a student improve his academic competence and learning ability by investigating a project he is interested in deeply? This week, we invited the teacher from the Academic Committee of BRS to interpret the research-based learning projects and project-based competition training thoroughly in terms of concepts of curricula, teaching objectives, learning requirements and features of curricula.
04 家长课堂第九期
5月31 日(周二)英语课程和PCD校本课程介绍、艺术类专业专场;6月1日(周三)数学与计算机类、科学类专业专场;6月2日(周四)社科类专业专场。
Beijing Royal School has been holding a series of workshop activities for our parents. You are warmly welcomed to visit our latest parent workshop: “Major Application and Course Selection.” In mid-June, the annual course selection for the new school year will begin.
In the “Major Application and Course Selection” parent workshop, we promote students to make more reasonable choices to select courses based on their own needs for further studies. This time, we invite teachers from the Academic Affairs Office, University Guidance Counselors, and returnee teachers in Teaching and Research Groups who graduate from popular majors to answer your questions in detail.
May 31st (Tuesday) for English courses and PCD school-designed, art majors, June 1 (Wednesday) for majors of math&computer science, and science, June 2 (Thursday) for social science majors. In order to help you better understand the BRS curriculum system, we sincerely invite you to watch the overall curriculum of the Academic Affairs Office, the introduction of the English curriculum system and the PCD school-based curriculum.
The Quote of the week:
If there’s any kind of magic in the world, it must be the attempt of understanding someone or share something.
—— < Before Sunrise >