Newsletter | 校园通讯第23期,欢迎锁定!


5月12号,我校同学在2021年英国物理思维挑战赛(中级&高级)(Intermediate & Senior Physics Challenge)中斩获佳绩!英国物理思维挑战(中级&高级)(Intermediate & Senior Physics Challenge)由英国物理奥林匹克组委会主办。该挑战分为两个难度,一个难度对应A LEVEL的GCSE年级及其相应年级的同学,另外一个难度对应A LEVEL的AS年级及其对应年级的同学。此次比赛共有来自全国 430 所国际学校和重点高中的3957名学生参赛,其中中级2263名、高级1694名。我校获奖情况如下:

中级-Intermediate Physics Challenge

全球金奖  Gold

高闻博 高一1班

李修健 高一3班

房度远 高一3班

全球银奖  Silver

王灿坤 高一3班

全球铜奖  Bronze

李秋娴 高一4班

高级-Senior Physics Challenge

全球金奖    Gold

刘天瑞 高一1班

周永康 高二1班

全球银奖  Silver

李泽铨 高二1班

赵雪言 高二1班

On May 12th, BRS students won top awards in the 2021 British Physics Challenge: Intermediate Physics Challenge & Senior Physics Challenge! According to the sponsoring website, “The ratio for awarded Chinese students is notably higher than UK students.”The British Physics Challenge is hosted by the British Physics Olympic Organizing Committee. The challenge is divided into two levels of difficulty: Intermediate Physics Challenge corresponds to Year 11 students (GCSE, Standard Grade or equivalent level), and the Senior Physics Challenge corresponds to students at Key Stage 5, or sixth form (ages 16-18). A total of 3,957 students from 430 international schools and key high schools across the country participated in the competition, including 2,263 intermediate and 1,694 advanced.BRS student awards are as follows:

Intermediate Physics Challenge

Global Gold Award

Gao Wenbo, Senior One, Class 1

Li Xiujian, Senior One, Class 3

Fang Duyuan, Senior One, Class 3


Global Silver Award

Wang Cankun, Senior One, Class 3


Global Bronze Award

Li Qiuxian, Senior One, Class 4

Senior Physics Challenge


Global Gold Award

Liu Tianrui, Senior One, Class 1

Zhou Yongkang, Senior Two, Class 1


Global Silver Award

Li Zequan, Senior Two, Class 1

Zhao Xueyan, Senior Two, Class 1

02. 教职工歌唱大赛



第三名:Arnold Caccam、 吕翔







2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and is also the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Beijing Royal School. On May 19, in celebration of our anniversary, Beijing Royal School hosted the “Sing of the Most Beautiful Melody of the Royal Family” faculty and staff singing competition.  This allowed everyone to express their joy in our country’s and our school’s anniversary.The winners of the individual competition are:First place: Chen Wei

Second place: Li Jin

Third place: Arnold Caccam,Lv Xiang

Outstanding Award: Cai Yifan, Li Jiang

The winners of the team competition are:

First place: Xian Ge BRS Teachers’ Chorus

Second place: The Student Affairs Office

Third place: Social Science Group

The first, second and third prizewinners in both the individual and team competitions will represent the high school in the Beijing Wangfu Campus faculty singing competition to be held in June.


On May 7, the second lecture of the Parent Psychological Salon was held, and this theme was ‘Distraction is not the child’s fault’. For a long time, parents have found that their children are:  slow/playing/careless when doing homework; careless when taking exams; inattentive and absent-minded in class; listless or chaotic.  These are, for the most part, all signs of “distraction” within the student.Many parents believe that “distraction” behavior is solely an attitude problem, even though it seems difficult to impossible to “correct” regardless of the attitude adjustments applied.  Distraction behavior is, in most cases, actually a lack of ability to concentrate; and, correspondingly, this requires cultivating a student’s concentration skills in order to focus and to perform better in all aspects of daily life, both academically and personally.



This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and on the evening of May 16, the Youth League Committee of Beijing Royal School was in the honor exhibition hall to organize and conduct its swearing-in ceremony.  In this swearing-in ceremony, members joined the group and participated in the day’s group activities themed “from the history of the primary school, always follow the party”.  Helping young students understand the history of the party and nurturing their love for the party will ensure that the red gene and the spirit of the revolutionary fire is passed on from generation to generation.During the event, the Youth League Committee Secretary Mr. Li Hui announced the list of new members. Standing members Li Jingge and Li Zekun issued a badge, membership card, and emblem to new members. The Youth League Deputy Secretary Fu Junchi led the swearing in of new members and the renewal oath for standing members of the group. On behalf of Lei Xiang, the clauses on the rights and obligations of the group members were read.  Jiao Pengbo delivered a speech on behalf of the new group members, and Zhou Yongkang made a speech on behalf of the standing group members. In the party history study session, everyone watched the documentary “From Shikumen to Nanhu”, and classmate Hao Xinrui preached the party history story “A Hundred Years Old Youth”. The event concluded with a group song.Vice President Yu Yao and Director Hong Chuanmu extended their warm congratulations to the new members who joined the group. In his speech, Director Hong shared his hopes that the students will pass on positive energy and expand the influence of the members through their own active work, and will also make their own contributions to the development of the school. From the perspective of international competition, Vice President Yu Yao shared with the students the importance of science and technology in enhancing our country’s influence on the international stage.