01 期末表彰大会
祁 昂 任子泰 吴烁航 张瑛淇 李禹田
房度远 赵博清 赵俊杰 娄 尚 阴 帅
方维佳 袁满 刘逸飞 张骞予 肖一铎 郑明慧 张洋
张俊一 邢露文 祁昂 滕嘉琦
张心怡 肖一铎 刘逸飞 马梓源
任子葳 高一2班 祁 昂 高一3班
陈晓禾 高二2班 吴烁航 高二2班
张莺桐 高二4班 李安东 高二12班
张俊一 高二13班 邹俊逸 高二13班
团委 孙尚雯 高二9班
学生会 孙浩洋 高二2班
学代会 李天野 高二7班
社团联合会 张超 高二15班
岳 佳 高二2班
图 | 毛小龙
02 IBDP成果展览
On the afternoon of July 6th, BRS G11 IB class held a TOK(Theory of knowledge) exhibition in the honor exhibition hall. As one of the core courses of the IBDP programme, the TOK course provides students with an opportunity to explore and reflect on the essence of knowledge and cognition process.
In the exhibition, the students’ work is based on their choice of topics from “IA prompts” of the tok guide, and they choose objects related to the prompt for display. Students attached a written commentary to each object, and had an interactive discussion with guests at the exhibition. Later, the school will mark the work according to the content and performance of the exhibition and submit them to IB official for approval.
The Quote of The Week:
Man’s knowledge more wide, the person’s itself also will be.
—— Maxim Gorky
马克西姆 · 高尔基