BRS Grade 12 Student Wang Mianchen as A Representative of Youth Leader from China Participated in UN ECOSOC Youth Forum 2017

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum was held on 30 January 2018. Five youth leaders from China had the honor to participate in the forum. BRS student Wang Mianchen, youth leader of UN Women’s Gender Equality Program; together with Huang Enoch, youth leader of innovation and entrepreneurship; Zhao Yixin, youth leader of UNEP’s climate action; Wang Yuan, the youth education envoy of the United Nations Children’s Fund; and Ada Li, Creator of UNDP’s panda solar project participated in the forum held at the UN Headquarters in New York. The forum provided a platform for youth to engage in a dialogue with policy-makers and other youth delegates and representatives, and share ideas on innovation, collective action and solutions to global problems. It also addressed the role of youth in poverty eradication and promoting prosperity in a changing world, which is at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Five youth leaders from China:Huang Enoch, Zhao Yixin, Wang Yuan, Ada Li,and BRS Student Wang Mianchen (R1)