10月18日上午,为增强学生对艺术学习的兴趣和感知力,培养学生的综合性学习能力,北京王府学校高中部音乐组邀请了来自北京语言大学艺术学院的姚紫津博士和北京语言大学艺术学院的11名本科生到访我校。北语师生与王府学子进行了经验分享、课堂观摩和现场音乐表演一系列具有专业性的艺术交流活动。姚紫津教授观摩了AP乐理课程,并以探讨会的形式与王府学校音乐专业的学生就双语教学、如何更好地将音乐与英语学习相结合进行了交流分享。北京语言大学的学生采取invisible observation的形式聆听了我校音乐老师Martinez Sylvain Antoine的爵士乐队课,观摩学习了Syl老师的教学方法,并围绕“中国传统音乐文化与现代爵士音乐的交流”、“如何进一步开展两校深度交流与合作”这两个主题与老师展开了热烈地探讨。(➡️ 点击查看往期音乐交流活动Click for more details)
图 | 毛岸彬On the morning of October 18th, in order to enhance students’ interest and perception of art learning and cultivate students’ comprehensive learning ability, the music group of Senior High School in Beijing Royal School has invited Dr. Yao Zijin from the School of Art of Beijing Language and Culture University and 11 undergraduate students to visit our school for a series of professional art exchange activities, including experience sharing, classroom observation and live music performance.Professor Yao Zijin observed the AP music theory course and communicated with music major students of BRS, focusing the discussion on bilingual teaching and how to better combine music and English learning. Students of Beijing Language and Culture University joined the jazz band class of BRS with music teacher Martinez Sylvain Antoine through the invisible observation method. Followed by the observation, the class had a discussion on the theme “The exchange between Chinese traditional music culture and modern jazz music”
02. 课改实验区教研项目交流会
10月14日,北京王府学校课改实验区教研项目交流会精彩继续,来自王府外国语小学部、初中部、王府学校高中部的四位老师对所在的国家级校本课程建设推进项目进行了交流和分享。北京王府校区总督导岑建君、北京王府学校校长衡孝军、法政国际教育投资有限公司副总经理郑真博士、北京王府外国语初中部常务副校长王劲松、外国语小学部校长程凤云、学术委主任姚毅出席了会议,并针对四项校本课程课题提出了宝贵的意见与建议,促进各项目全力推进。与会教师充分领会教改精神,本着高标准、严要求,进行了专业的学术交流与分享。王府学校课改实验区教研项目将会不断深化,步履不停。(➡️ 点击回顾9月9日教研项目交流会 Click for more details)
图 | 詹敏On October 14th, the Academic Committee of Beijing Royal School organized the second Academic Seminar of BRS Campus Teaching and Research Project meeting. Four teachers from RFLS Primary School, Junior High School and BRS High School exchanged and shared their research projects at the school level and national level.
10月13日,北京王府学校高中部2021-2022学年社团招新活动在校园风雨操场举行,人潮攒动的热烈场面一扫秋季凛冽。艺术、公益、学术、运动,四大类别38个社团蓄势而动,迎接志同道合的新鲜血液。此次招新活动,不仅有往年受学生们热情追捧的“熟面孔”,也不乏刚创建不久的“新朋友”。七大新晋社团初露真容,扩大了学生们的兴趣范围,新老交融的社团布局进一步彰显了王府学子不断拓展的创新精神。(➡️ 点击查看社团招新详细信息 Click for more details)图 | 毛岸彬 詹敏Excitement was in the air on October 13th, when the Annual BRS Clubs Recruitment for the 2021-2022 School Year was held in the BRS Gymnasium. Students visited booths of clubs that covered a wide range of interests: arts, social science, academic subjects, sports and many more.There are 38 clubs for students to explore and consider, including seven new clubs: Tea Ceremony and Appreciation Club, Instrumental Club, Equal Education Club, Economic Club, USAD Club, Mongolian Culture Club, and Women’s Basketball Club. Students’ clubs at BRS are designed to appeal to the varied interests of our students and their active pursuit of membership provides opportunities to meet like-minded peers, enjoy activities together and create meaningful social connections. Being part of a club is being part of the campus community, so participation is highly encouraged at BRS.
10月16日,北京王府学校升学指导中心陈肖男老师通过线上分享的方式以《加州申请 – 你必须知道的N件事》为主题,向家长和学生介绍了加州大学系统内的十所学校。陈肖男老师结合了王府学子的录取数据分析了加州大学的申请及录取要求,并分享了加州大学独特的高中课程学习要求。On October 16th Mrs. Chen Xiaonan, teacher from the College Admission Guidance Center of Beijing Royal School, introduced the ten schools of the University of California system to parents and students through online sharing with the theme of “California Application – N Things You Must Know,” as well as the unique high school curriculum requirements of the University of California. Teacher Chen also analyzes the application and admission requirements of the University of California based on the admission data of BRS graduates infrom recent years.