

Over the past few weeks, PYP Grade 5 students have been exploring a new unit of inquiry, “Who We Are”. They have been developing their knowledge and understanding of our central idea, “People choose role models who influence the world in a positive way.” Our three lines of inquiry are: What makes a positive role model; Our choices of role models; How personal choices and actions affect society. For the past 3 weeks, students explored role models from all over the world in different fields, such as artists, writers, entrepreneurs, and stars.

  3月16日,学生们带着他们对榜样的好奇来到了“杜莎夫人蜡像馆”。杜莎夫人蜡像馆的简介里写到:“无论你去哪里旅游,你一定会在杜莎夫人蜡像馆里找到你最好的伙伴。我们在世界各地的蜡像馆都会为你提供与当地最具影响力的政治领袖、音乐家、演员或体育明星面对面的互动体验。你还可以见到许多影响了各地历史的重要人物。”学生们都很激动,想要去了解那些来自世界各地以不同方式影响世界的榜样。On March 16, students brought their curiosity about role models to “Madame Tussauds Wax Museum”. The introduction to Madame Tussauds says: “No matter where you travel, you are sure to find your best friend at Madame Tussauds. Our wax museums around the world offer you face-to-face interactions with the most influential political leaders, musicians, actors, or sports stars in your area. You can also meet many important people who have influenced history everywhere. Students were excited to learn about role models from all over the world who have influenced the world in different ways.

  蜡像馆分为3层,包含7个不同的板块。The wax museum is divided into three floors and consists of seven different sections.


I. 【The Spirit of China】

Here, students come face to face with Lao She, Yang Liwei, Hou Baolin, Li Yanhong, and Mei Lanfang, who have been a huge driving force for the development of China.

The students wrote: “I want to meet Lao She, he is one of the most famous modern Chinese writers. His writing is excellent. ”


II. 【World Leaders】

The students stood side by side with the Queen, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Karl Marx and other world leaders to experience their wisdom and grace.

“I want to meet Barack Obama, he is the 44th president of the United States and he is also the first African American president. ”


III. [Sports Stars]

Students can compete against their favorite sports stars in a field filled with great athletes! Present were the students’ favorite basketball stars Yao Ming and Kobe; football star Lionel Messi; badminton star Lin Dan and tennisstar Li Na and many more.

“I want to meet Yao Ming because he is very tall. He was also a caring person. He runs a charity.”


IV. 【Singers】

Students can enjoy the passion and joy of music together with the singrs they adore. They met the handsome male artists William Chan, Lu Han, Wang Leehom, and Michael Jackson, as well as several pretty female artists like Beyonce and Madonna.

“I want to meet Wang Leehom because he is the first pop singer to perform in the 90,000-seats Bird’s Nest stadium.”


V. 【TV star】

Students went into a TV studio and appeared with their favorite TV characters. Students met Liu Xiao Ling Tong, who plays a role in《Journey to the West》, and Sun Li, who plays the role in《Zhen Huan》.

“I want to meet Yang Lan, a famous TV host and ambassador for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.”


VI.【Movie Star】

Students joined Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Leslie Cheung, and other famous figures in the history of cinema to experience the endless fun of the big screen!

“I want to meet Bruce Lee. He’s a movie actor. He’s a kungfu master.”

  学生们加入巨星云集的派对,与电影传奇莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉……以及更多的明星面对面,零距离“交流”。“我最想遇见Lady Gaga,因为我喜欢她独特的装扮。”

VII. 【Fashion Party】

Students joined the superstar-studded parties with A-listers and film legends George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie and interacted with them like they never will again.

“I want to meet Lady Gaga because I love her unique outfit.”

  在“杜莎夫人蜡像馆”里,学生们都找到了自己喜欢的来自世界各地不同领域的榜样。At Madame Tussauds, students found their favorite role models from different fields from all over the world.


“我喜欢科比。因为他的自律和对篮球的奉献精神。他不在乎他人的评价,坚持做更好的自己。他懂得关爱,能够很好照顾他人的感受。”(5.1 王隆)
“Andrey Hepburn is my role model, she is a Hollywood star. She is graceful and caring to others. She is the few ones who won four great medals! Then, when she retired, she gave most of her money to poor children to help them.” (5.1 文欣妍)
   “我喜欢普京,他是我的榜样。我认为他是一位有原则的人。他很强壮也很多才多艺!” ( 5.2 赵天麒)
“I think Lady Gaga is a good role model, because I like her music and her style. I think she is very lively, kind and caring, so she is my role model. She is a good communicator and can communicate important rules in her music, such as why being confident is important. Lady Gaga donates to a lot of charities and helps global warming. This is why she is my role model.” ( 5.2 范思睿)
“Barack Obama is a good role model. He is kind and stopped American from getting polluted as much as other countries. He is very smart, too. He went to Harvard University.” (5.2 廉旖桐)
 “郎平是我的榜样,我觉得她特别伟大。自从看了一部叫《夺冠》的电影,我就很崇拜她。” (5.2 熊一南)
  希望通过这一次与名人们的“遇见”,学生们能够汲取榜样的力量。在将来的某一天,也能遇见更好的自己。It is hoped that through this “encounter” with famous people, students can draw on the power of role models. In the future, they can also better themselves.
