Newsletter | 校园通讯37期,欢迎锁定!

01 领事保护月度大讲堂









图 | 毛小龙


On December 5th, the Monthly Lecture on Consular Protection hosted by the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality was held in BRS. Professor Zhang Jie, an overseas security expert from People’s Public Security University of China, was invited to share a lecture on “Studying Abroad in the post-covid 19 era”.

Beijing Royal School places great importance in cultivating students’ awareness of studying abroad safely. BRS actively carries out a  ‘Study Abroad Safty Course’ inform and provide students living-abroad safety practices, and help students to life a confident life overseas.



02 篮球赛开幕






图 | 毛小龙


On November 30th, the  basketball game opening ceremony was held in the campus Gymnasium, hosted by our BRS high school students Bao Jingchang and Liu Jiayu. Followed by the speeches from representatives of the student union, athletes, referees and the supervisor of Beijing Royal School, Mr. Cen Jianjun, the first basketball game began. The Clown Dance Club gave a dynamic warm-up dance during the interval.



03 全体学生大会








图 | 毛岸彬


On November 30th, the Student Meeting of BRS high school was held. The meeting mainly focused on “how to further create a harmonious and positive atmosphere of learning and school spirit.” Fang Yuanyuan, vice-principal of Beijing Royal School and Sun Haoyang, vice president of the Student Union co-chaired the meeting. Beijing Royal School principal Mr. Wang Guangfa, gave a speech placing an emphasis on the strengthening moral education, improving student’s subject knowledge attainment, taking more physical excersice, and student should be actively joint to create the harmonious campus.




04 第八期家长课堂





On November 27th, the 8th Parents Workshop was held online as scheduled. With competition for admission to prestigious universities abroad becoming increasingly fierce, achieving good results in the international academic competitions can add a highlight of glamour to college applications.  In this week’s parents workshop, Ms. Guo Peiying from the Teaching Affairs Office of  Beijing Royal School, introduced the BRS project-type competition training to parents and students from the aspects on the categories, the preparation methods and the coverage of competition, to help students realize their academic goals.





The Quote of the week:


Believe you can and you are halfway there.



——Therodore Roosevelt
