“我们处于什么样的时空”UOI主题探究 | 双语部一年级家校共育分享会

  北京王府外国语小学双语部一年级学生目前正在学习的探究单元是“我们处于什么样的时空”,孩子们了解了中国各少数民族及世界各地不同类型的家庭,通过cause and effect实验,明白了作为家庭中的一员,需要承担自己的责任。他们对自己家族历史非常感兴趣,提出了“爸爸妈妈的童年是什么样的”“他们的吃穿住行与我们有什么不同”等问题。


At the beginning of the new semester, grade 1 students began their journey of exploring “where we are in time and place”. We learned from various ethnic minorities in China and different types of families around the world. Furthermore, through the cause and effect experiment, we understood that as a member of the family, it is important to take our roles and show our own responsibilities. At the same time, the students were very interested in family history and so they asked the question: “What is the childhood like of our parents?”“How is their food, clothing, housing and transportation different from ours?”

On March 18th, 2021, we invited 5 parents to come into the school and shared with us about their childhood.


Christine’s father, from 1.2, first shared families with different skin colors around the world, and then he showed the secret of forming a family: Father And Mother, I Love You with us.


Amelia’s father, from 1.1, shared with us that when he was a child,, he lived in Shutesbury, a city in the northeastern part of the United States. There were a lot of trees around there sohe could climb trees, ride bikes, play golf with his friends. He also shared housework with his brothers and sisters. Because they helped each other so they could make the house tidier and the family members loved each other so much.


Peter’s mother, from 1.1, greeted us in Korean. She introduced that Peter was born in South Korea and he went to kindergarten in South Korea for two years. She patiently explained the Korean family traditions such as family etiquette, costumes, food and other Korean family traditions such as the 100-day banquet for Korean children.


Leo’s mother, from 1.1, gave us an in-depth explanation of the irreversibility of time. She let us understood that we should cherish the learning time and our great learning environment. She also brought us two sets of inquiry books, which we were very interested in.


September’s father, from 1.2, shared about his childhood games. He said that games have changed a lot compared to the games that the children are playing now. Also, he reminded us that we should not play games for too long to protect our eyes.


During the sharing session, the students had a keen interest in the childhood of their parents so they raised their hands to ask lots of wonderful questions. The parents patiently explained the questions one by one, and shared their childhood snacks and toys with the children at the end. The children were so happy after they received the snacks and toys!

分享会之后,孩子们学习通过Venn Diagram图表进行分类、整理,他们学以致用,把爸爸妈妈和他们童年的不同都总结在了图表里。

After the sharing session, the children learned about how to classify and organize things by usinga Venn Diagram. Then, we applied what we learned from the parent sharing session and summarized the differences between our parents and our childhood through the Venn Diagram.


