了解世界,从语言开始 | 双语部二年级“环游世界”主题活动












Learning about languages to better understand the world

PYP Grade 2 event “Travel around the world.”

Languages are the building block foundations of communication. Effectively communicating allows us to better express ourselves as well as build and facilitate relationships. The question is: How do we communicate effectively? To better understand how to effectively communicate with one another, our second grader friends in the PYP program participated in an interactive inquiry lesson based on the central theme of effective communication.

In our UOI class, students had already discussed and learned various, effective ways to communicate with one another, explored the history and evolution behind different modes of communication, and learned about specific communicative codes such as Braille and Morse Code.

Prior to holding this event, two of our classes combined, and we separated students into ten different groups; each group then chose a different country, such as Canada, Thailand, and Japan, to learn about its cultural characteristics. After researching collectively as a group, students were required to showcase what they learned through performances.

Kayden, Mia, and Jeffrey from Class 2.2 prepared an amazing performance about Egypt. Their performance revolved around how Egyptian cultures in the old days determined a man from good and bad. As the performance began, Mia was lying on a chair they had prepared, and Kayden began to talk about a story about the weight of a person’s soul in Egyptian culture. They talked about how in Egyptian culture, the gods will determine whether a man is good or bad based on the soul’s weight. Kayden even demonstrated how to make a mummy. This group’s performance was a mixture of both acting and explaining. Not only was it full of knowledge, it was very interesting as well.

Brian, Sally, Ethan, and Amelia from Class 2.1 prepared a performance about Spain. Amelia role-played a car driver, and she took her “passengers” on a journey to explore the beauty of Spain. As the audience pays close attention to this group’s performance, it’s very important to note how these students are greeting each other. They were not saying “Ni Hao” nor “Hello.” They are actually saying “Hola!” This performance was very creative and meticulous in that it allowed other students to master greeting skills in Spanish!

After each group’s performance, there were follow-up questions that were related to that particular country. Mr. Alex introduced a new technological tool called Plickers. Students scanned QR codes in order to answer questions; after Mr. Alex scanned all QR codes through Plickers, students’ responses were shown on the screen. Using a new APP not only increased students’ level of enthusiasm for this activity, it also drastically raised participation rates as well.

In order to fully maximize students’ cultural knowledge about different countries during the event, students from Class 2.1 and 2.2 also prepared special dance performances from Thailand and Japan. Beautiful dance moves as well as cheerful background music allowed everyone to really “travel” around the world better.

The most exciting moments of awards happened at the end of the event. There were six awards for this event which includes the “most exciting award”, “most entertaining award”, “most creative award”, “most interesting award”, “most surprising award”, and “most courageous award”. The teachers conducted a fair evaluation based on students’ performances. Students not only received affirmation from the teachers, but also receive joy from the exploration and cooperation.

Our second grader friends chose “How We Express Ourselves” as the central unit for the event. Students chose to prepare various performances to showcase how ten different countries utilizes their own languages in order to communicate effectively. At the end of the day, this event was an alternative way to explore our overarching theme of “effective communication allows us to better express ourselves as well as build and facilitate relationships.” This time, our students “traveled” around the world, specifically focusing on various languages.


