
Last week, the Science teachers of Bilingual Department conducted a STEAM week. The objective of this activity is to promote critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills. Using the Design Thinking Process, students were able to explore possibilities and produce products that are solutions to a problem. This time the teachers chose simple projects to help prepare our students to gradually engage in real-world problems and personally meaningful projects in the future. Our Science teachers are working deliberately to transition our science teaching approach from traditional science experiments to a project-based learning that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question, problem or challenge. As a result, students gain deep content knowledge as well as develop life-long skills.近期,北京王府外国语学校小学部双语组举办了STEAM周,锻炼学生的批判思维、协作能力、创造能力和沟通技巧。



STEAM发源于美国,是科学、技术、工程学、艺术和数学几个学科的英文首字母的缩写(Science,Technology,Engineering, Arts,Mathematics),目的在于弥合科学、技术、工程、艺术以及数学五个学科间的分割,将其统一融合。STEAM的学习方式打破传统的学科界限,倡导基于项目学习,培养学生的跨学科思维,强调动手实践和多学科融合,创造性地解决现实问题,培养复合型人才。

The project we chose for first graders is making a paper ladybug that crawls when we apply a force on it. This task is closely related to the pushes and pulls unit we had learned this semester. We got to know this little paper toy through a video and clarified the problem we need to solve. Students were thrilled to explore and make their toys. Most of them could find this little paper toy moved by pulling. But the problem is the reason why this paper ladybug can move by pulls to the rope. With the help of their teacher, students figured out the secret of crawling ladybugs. It turns out that two straws arranged in the shape of a Chinese character, eight are fixed on the backside of the paper ladybug, so that the rope can be fixed on the back of the paper, and can be pulled. The angle of two straws provides the force of the ladybug to move forward. Then students designed and built their ladybug toys successfully. They tested their designs with their teachers and classmates. They had so much fun!



The second graders have been studying electricity for the last few weeks. So, for their STEAM project, students were given the problem to use the design thinking process to design and build a toy for steady hand challenge. They got to know what the design thinking process is and the task they were going to finish through playing witha model provided by the teacher first. Of course, they had so much fun and they were excited to make a toy for themselves. With the knowledge they have learned, it was not difficult for students to figure out that they need to make a working electrical circuit. But the problem is how they connected the electrical components with a new one, a buzzer, and how a bare wire circle can take the role of a switch to control the electricity on and off. After discussion with their team members, they drew down their designs, listed the materials they needed, and tried to make a prototype. Through attempts, failure, and reattempts, they promoted their original designs or built themselves a toy. What they got from this project was not only knowledge, but also the skills of communicating, collaborating, solving problems, and critical thinking.


The third graders have been learning about forces and movement for the last few weeks. So, for their STEAM project, students were given the problem to use design thinking progress to design and build small model catapults. They had learned about kinds of forces and how forces can change the objects, so it was easy for the students to analyze how the catapult works. For a catapult, making it needs sticks and rubber bands which are very common items to use. The change of the rubber band’s shape can produce the elastic force which can make the catapult’s arm move quickly, then the stone could be shoot out. In the first period, students learned what is the design thinking process and drew their model catapults design paper. Each student drew and selected one design they thought was the best. In the second period, students then constructed their designs and tested to see if the model catapults worked by their groups. Some of the catapults did not work on their first try or didn’t throw the stones far enough so they made adjustments to improve them. Throughout this process, the students had to use their social skills in collaborating together and critical thinking skills to balance every members’ suggestions and make the best catapult to win the competition.




The fourth graders have been learning about electricity for the last few weeks. In the next couple of weeks after the break they will be learning about magnetism. So, for their STEAM project, students were given the problem to use creativity to design and build small model electric propelled cars. They had learned about series circuits which relates to the battery being connected to the motor. For a motor to move it needs magnets which will be part about learning how magnets are used in everyday life. We will look at how magnets relate to the motor in future classes. In the first period, students designed their model cars and each group decided on one design that they will build in the second period. Each group presented their designs to the class. In the second period, students then constructed their designs and tested to see if the model cars worked. Most of the cars did not work on their first try and they needed to make adjustments to get them to move. Throughout this process, the students had to use their social skills in collaborating together and critical thinking skills to find solutions to why their cars would not move.



The fifth graders have been studying about the solar system for two weeks now. Most of them are familiar with the planets and other celestial bodies. But our problem is to have a closer look on the planets so we can see and compare their sizes. To do this, we first compare the sizes of the Earth and the Moon. We discovered that the moon is approximately 1/4 of the size of the Earth. So, we used the globe as our model and measured the circumference and took 1/4 of it for our moon. We created our moon using a balloon to see the comparison. For this exploration, we learned about the diameter and circumference of a sphere. Then we looked at the actual sizes of the planets and used a scale to measure their circumference. Students learned different skills with this STEAM project. First, we identified the problem and we looked for a solution. Students applied their mathematical literacy in this project. Measuring and computing the circumference of the planets. They also learned how to work with each other collaboratively where they exchanged ideas and came up with a plan. As a class, we decided to use papermache since we are using a lot of paper in school. Instead of throwing them away, we were able to recycle and use them for this project. We also worked with Art teachers to use the art classrooms so we can paint our projects. The students also read the article about their planets and decided which information they wanted to share with their audience. Their planets turned out marvelously beautiful and colorful. With this project the students have a clearer picture on how these planets fit in the solar system.




The sixth graders have been learning about series and parallel circuits. So, for their STEAM project students were given a problem to design and construct a parallel circuit that has two switches and four bulbs as part of a four-bedroom apartment. One switch needed to open only two bulbs and the other switch would open the other two bulbs.They needed to use their knowledge of circuits to solve this problem. It was a challenge in how to apply parallel circuits to a real-life problem. In the first period, each student designed a circuit diagram that they thought would solve the problem and then each group discussed and decided on one design they would construct. Each team then presented their circuit plan to the class. In the second period each team constructed and then tested their parallel circuits with the materials given to them. Many groups needed to make adjustment to their circuit to successfully complete the task. Throughout this process, the students had to use their social skills in collaborating together and critical thinking skills to find solutions to why their circuits would not work.


