家校共育 | 北京王府学校开展2019-2020学年第一学期家委会活动




On December 6th, the BRS Parents Committee activities in 2019 Fall semester were held in the Auditorium Conference Room. Almost 30 parents from all grades participated.

During the activities, Vice Principal Yu Yao expressed her gratitude to the parents in her speech. The Moral Education Deputy Director of each grade gave a detailed interpretation about our SLOs. They used simple methods to lead parents in understanding the three goals and fifteen indicators of our SLOs. In addition, the teachers also explained to parents where SLOs came from, how SLOs connect with parents, and why student clubs need instructors. Parents ask questions about student enrollment, and expect to participate in following student club activities. The head of the SAO concluded the activities with a summary speech. It was a very successful day for the Parents Committee.

The Parents Committee is the carrier of our home-school co-education program. Through the activities organized by the committee, BRS parents have a deep understanding of the school’s educational philosophy and goals. This allows our parents and the school to work towards the same direction to create harmonious conditions and learning environments for students.