“选择教育”时代 | 北京王府校区开学啦~



On September 4, 2017 the entire student body, all teachers and staff of Beijing Royal School’s campus community sparked with excitement at the Opening Ceremony held on the campus field and track. This ceremony marked the beginning of a new academic year as well as the largest student population in the history of the school’s existence: 3,000+. The last to speak at the Opening Ceremony, and our most beloved and honored speaker, was Principal Wang Guangfa. He warmly welcomed the new members of our international community, as well as all those returning members. He urged all teachers to step forward as stewards for students on their voyage towards global vision and competence in their studies.
















(文|饶茹 摄影|毛小龙 毛岸彬 视频|任胜君 李瑞宁 翻译|翟静)