
8月15日-20日,2019 世界学者杯(World Scholar’s Cup)全球赛在澳大利亚悉尼举行。北京王府学校参赛代表团的Marko Yong Ming Yang、韩冀桐、纪行之三位同学,与来自世界各地的参赛学者展开激烈角逐。本届大赛主题为“边缘世界”,王府学子凭借学术挑战中的出色表现,斩获多项大奖,并成功晋级将于11月在美国耶鲁大学举行的冠军总决赛。


Marko Yong Ming Yang


(Silver Medal in Writing)



(Da Vinci Gold Medal)



(Silver Medal in Social Studies, Debate, History, Literature, and Special Area)

World Scholar’s Cup(WSC)可以说是一场“学术马拉松”,每年有超过140个城市的近5万名代表同台竞技,角逐耶鲁大学的冠军总决赛。比赛涵盖六个主要学科领域,包括艺术和音乐、科学、历史、文学和社会研究,以及一个 “特殊领域”,通过团队抢答、协同创作、知识挑战、团队辩论4大核心学术竞技环节,展开跨学科主题探究,从而锻炼学生的批判性思维、研究与写作、协作和整体学术技能。


王府WSC社团自2018年9月成立,由我校外籍教师Upashna Rai Simandan指导培训。同学们在社团活动中获得了质的飞跃,从开始做小组写作的不自信,到现在用实力获得悉尼全球赛的肯定,他们在一次次训练中建立自信心,激发了自己的求知潜能。王府WSC社团成立的初衷,是为了激励不同背景的学生去发现自己全新的优势并锻炼这些新的技能,帮助他们真正成为合格的世界公民。


▲王府学子参加 2019 WSC 北京地区赛
11月7日,王府世界学者杯参赛团队将由我校高中部心理学老师Voicu Mihnea Simandan带队前往美国耶鲁大学,参加在那里举行的2019世界学者杯冠军总决赛。预祝他们在比赛中取得好成绩!

(更多关于BRS 世界学者社团的信息,请发邮件至upashna@brs.edu.cn,联系Upashna老师。)

BRS World Scholar’s Cup Team Shine in the Sydney Global Round and Qualify for the Tournament of Champions

Summer break for BRS World Scholar’s Cup students ended with victory in the Global Round in Sydney where they qualified for the Tournament of Champions which will be held at Yale University. During August 15-20, 2019 our BRS World Scholar’s Cup team members Marko Yong Ming Yang, Jitong Han and Xingzhi Ji participated in a series of academic challenges in an atmosphere that celebrated learning and global citizenship at the World Scholar’s Cup Global Round held in Sydney.

The awards received are as follows:

Marko Yong Ming Yang: Silver Medal in writing

Jitong Han: Da Vinci Gold Medal

Xingzhi Ji: Silver Medal in Social Studies, Debate, History, Literature, and Special Area


Their exceptional performance in the Sydney round has qualified them for Tournament of Champions at Yale University.

Yale International Relations Association at Yale University hosts the annual Tournament of Champions. It is scheduled to be held from November 8 -13, 2019. At the Tournament of Champions, BRS scholars will have the chance to interact and learn directly from Yale students and faculty. They will attend a panel on college life and on how to leverage the World Scholar’s Cup experience as a part of their admission portfolio. They’ll have the opportunity to meet Yale University professors and listen to keynote speeches. In addition, BRS scholars will have the opportunity to experience a special Thanksgiving meal and go on a local historic tour of Boston, Harvard University, and MIT.

The World Scholar’s Cup, in short, can be described as an ‘academic decalathon’ which improves skills such as critical thinking, research, writing, collaboration, and the overall academic abilities of the students. The curriculum is expertly designed to cover six major subject areas, including Art and Music, Science, History, Literature, and Social Studies as well as a “Special Area”.

BRS World Scholar’s Cup team’s first participation was at the Regional Round held in Beijing. They had competed with teams from twenty-five other international schools in Beijing. After their excellent performance, they were then invited to the Global Round in Sydney. The Tournament of Champions is the final and ultimate round for this year’s World Scholar’s Cup event. It is indeed a privilege and honor for our BRS World Scholars’ Cup team to be part of this global event by participating in all three rounds.

The BRS World Scholar’s team will be traveling to Yale University with their chaperon Voicu Mihnea Simandan, our High School Psychology teacher, on November 7. They will attend the Tournament of Champions at Yale.  We wish them the best!

If you’re interested in joining the BRS World Scholars Cup, contact our coach Upashna at upashna@brs.edu.cn.