北京王府学校2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析(二) | 升学快报

继上一期的《每一个孩子都自带光环 | 王府2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析》后,这次我们为大家带来另一批2018届王府毕业生。他们在自己热衷和感兴趣的生物学、化学、心理学等领域里取得常人难以到达的成绩。在申请学校这条艰辛的道路上,他们孜孜不倦,不到最后一刻绝不放弃。他们甚至能独辟蹊径、剑走偏锋,将自己的特长表演录制成视频发送给招生官,让招生官既看到学生实力的同时,也看到了他们的诚意与努力。



It is proud to announce that we have more new university offers for BRS class of 2018 12th-graders to report at this time. We would like to note that a prominent score and acceptance into a TOP U.S. university is a reward for hard work. Many students have chiseled their way through hard-to-reach achievements in areas that they are passionate about and interested in with a positive attitude, poise and confidence so that they could qualify to apply for what they wanted. They have shown that applying and persevering throughout the lengthy process of application is also impressive to admissions officers as their grades are. They should continue to further their education and chase their dreams because opportunities can present themselves oftentimes when we least expect them and in forms that we may not have considered them. We are so proud of our students’ hard work and continued efforts. May the stories of their experiences in doing their best and applying for what they want be instructive and inspirational to our future grade 12 students.





1)每一个孩子都自带光环 | 王府2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析(一)