Commemoration of Confucius’s 2568th Birthday 丨 Classic Reading Activity of Junior High School of RFLS

September 28th this year is the 2568th birthday of the saint Confucius . In order to celebrate the birthday, to cherish the memory of Confucius, Junior High School of RFLS held a classic reading activity on the theme of “commemorate the birthday of Confucius”. Students and teachers in sixth grade of Junior high school read the Confucian classics “Disciples” before the sculpture of Confucius.

“Disciples《弟子规》” formerly known as “training Mongolian《训蒙文》”, “弟子” means the students of saint. The main content is the interpretation of the “Learning 《学而篇》” of “Analects of Confucius《论语》”. Therefore, the “disciples” is derived from the “Analects of Confucius”, is the holy saints teachings, that is, the truth of life.”Disciples” is also one of the learning articles of “traditional Chinese class”, a new class this semester. In order to cultivate children’s interest in reading, to enhance the language ability, to heritage culture classics, junior high school set up the “traditional Chinese class” for the new sixth grade students.

“Shock”, “baptism” – evaluation from the class teacher attending this activity. Unlike the stereotypes of traditional culture which is boring and tedious, the children showed active. “Teacher, can we go there earlier?” – This is the most real voice and feelings of the children.

The 21st century ushered in the era of information explosion. But the traditional classic has never been eliminated. “Those who know are not as good as those who have interest to know, those who have interest to know are not as good as who are happy to know” is the same with the concept of “lifelong learners” advocated by the International Diploma (IB). Traditional Chinese class of Junior high school will continue to lead students to explore more treasures of Chinese culture. This reading activity is a very good start!

(Author: Jun Ma; Photo: Anbin Mao; Video: Ruining Li; Translator: Yaling Deng)