PYP二年级外出实践|Grade 2 Field Trip to TT Tong Jun Ying

Last Wednesday, 23rd May 2018, the RFLS PYP Grade 2 students took action on their learning. We are currently on our 6th Unit of Inquiry where we are exploring the theme Sharing the Planet. After about 4 weeks of learning about the importance of preserving natural resources, the students planted 13 trees. Trees, as we know, are one of our most precious natural resources. Caring is the targeted learner profile for this unit and by planting trees, the students had the opportunity to practice being caring for our environment.

二年级国际班的“共享地球”主题单元即将探究完毕,经过4周关于“保护自然环境的重要性”的主题的学习,孩子们在上周三,5月23日来到了TT童军营,共同种下了13颗银杏树。这些树,正如我们所了解的,是特别珍贵的自然资源之一。 “懂得关爱”是本单元学习者特征的目标。通过种树,孩子们有机会去实践关心并保护我们生存的环境。

As we arrived at the site, we were greeted by pleasant scouts who taught us about the environment around us – the roses, peonies, lakes, trees and animals there – before leading us in taking the oath to love and protect the environment and not damage the resources. They then led us to the tree planting site. The children enjoyed the short and pleasant journey, some excitedly pointing out the animals and plants they came across. It was indeed a beautiful place to enjoy nature.


We arrived at the tree planting site and were briefed on the instructions. Taking turns, the children had a go at digging holes using spades. They learned that the deeper and wider the hole, the stronger it would support their plant. They then carefully placed the saplings in, covered the hole with soil again, pressed the soil flat, watered their new “babies” and some sent a wish that they would grow well.


It was a short trip but we hope students took a lot from it – that as easy as it is to cut trees for human use, it’s just as easy to undo our wrongs, reduce our carbon footprint and plant more trees. In the next few days, we will continue learning about other solutions to preserve natural resources. We hope that these experiences will help deepen their understanding, raise their awareness and inspire them to become the green-caped heroes our world needs.


By Ms Laveena

