
On March 27, BRS extended a warm welcome to a delegation of eleven interns and one tutor from North Carolina State University (NCSU) to our campus. These future educators are excited about the opportunity to participate in this provisional placement program in one of the four divisions of BRS:  kindergarten, primary school, junior high and senior high school. In the following four weeks, they will receive a unique opportunity to gain practical experience in China at BRS based on their respective majors and grades at NCSU. 
▲Micheal A Evans教授
此次实习交流的带队老师为NCSU的Micheal A Evans教授,他非常期盼这次的交流活动,对于王府老师的职业素养和学校的硬件设施给予了高度评价。Micheal希望通过此次在王府学校的实习,提高NCSU学生的教学实践能力和她们的国际化视野,同时也能够帮助王府的学生更好地了解国外文化和学校生活。王府学校与NCSU的交流合作项目始于2011年10月,今年已走入第七个年头。NCSU是一所成立于1887年的美国顶尖公立研究型大学,在美国享有极高声誉。拥有超过500项的技术专利,属美国一级国家级大学。



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