校园开放日 | 北京王府学校高中部体验课堂成功举办



在随后的高中部课堂体验部分,高二1班牛伊湄和高二4班刘牧悦分别为家长们带来了精彩的开场表演和个人学习生活分享;王府学校高中部副校长余瑶女士(任期为2018/1/18至2022/4/22)则从学校教育理念和课程体系设置角度进行了现场解读;教师发展中心的Jonah Carpi和升学指导中心主任高奕博士分别从师资培养和毕业生升学情况与大家就行了沟通;最后家长和学生们在高中部Amber Rinka和张珊两位老师所带来的英语和化学体验课中,感受到了不同于传统教学方式的课堂体验。


On December 15, BRS Demonstration Class was successfully held. The visiting parents and students listened to Mr. Wang Guangfa’s speech. After that they learned about the study and life of the senior high school from all angles, and personally experienced English and chemistry classes.

Mr. Wang Guangfa shared his thoughts with the participating parents and students from the five aspects of talent training goals in the new era, national curriculum reform, home-school co-education, education requirements for parents, and studying abroad, and said that BRS faces the changing international situation and the needs of national social development. He hopes to work with parents and society to provide a suitable education for each student, and train students to become international composite talents who can stand on the international stage, have a vision and a pattern.

In the next part of Demonstration Class in Senior High School, Niu Yimei from Grade 11 Class 1 shared with parents and students a great Opening Show, Liu Muyue from Grade 11 Class 4 shared her personal experience about the growth and gains after coming to BRS. Ms. Yu Yao, BRS Vice Principal, shared the interpretation of the educational philosophy of BRS and the rich curriculum system. Jonah Carpi from the PD Department showed everyone his work and life as a teacher in BRS and explained the ideas of teacher development and training. Dr.Gao Yi, the Director of Guidance Counseling Office, showed everyone the outstanding achievements of BRS students in recent years. Amber Rinka and Zhang Shan conducted English and chemistry classes. The design of various characteristic interactive activities has made parents and students feel different from traditional classroom teaching.

This Demonstration Class has allowed more parents and students to have an in-depth understanding of BRS, and our educational philosophy and curriculum system have received extensive attention and support.