师生共建 | 北京王府学校成功举办学生培养目标宣传节

11月29日中午,北京王府学校学生培养目标宣传节SLO Fair在校演播厅和风雨操场同步举办,王府学校高中部全体师生用一场特殊的仪式就全校学生培养目标表达了自己的理解。



学生代表刘允涵、刘凯然、林祥瑀以及教师代表张文真、关天帅、Voicu Mihnea Simandan分别上台发言,分享了自身对全校培养目标的理解。



On November 29th, the BRS Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (SLO) Fair was successfully organized by BRS students and SAO in the main auditorium and gymnasium.  BRS faculty and students presented and demonstrated their excellent understanding of Schoolwide Learner Outcomes through speeches, various forms of performances, posters and activities. 

 SLO Fair Opening Ceremony began with a variety of performances such as orchestra, debate, dances, chorus, while teacher representatives and student representatives delivered speeches on the theme of SLO. Ms. Yu Yao and Mr. Wang Jinsong , BRS vice principals also expressed their thought on the importance of understanding Schoolwide Learner Outcomes to all students and teachers. 

SLO Fair Exhibition Display section in the gymnasium displayed SLO themed posters on Academic Success, Personal Responsibility and Global Mindset made by students of each grade. Students went around visiting exhibits by collecting as many stamps in their SLO booklets. Students union, Students Clubs, Students Assembly and Teacher teams also displayed their posters of SLO and organized very interesting activities related to SLOs. 

BRS SLO Fair was the perfect way for students to have fun exploring BRS SLO themed exhibits and activities to promote their understanding of BRS Schoolwide Learner Outcomes.