消除性别暴力,传递爱与温暖 | 王府师生参加“点亮橙色 16 日行动启动仪式”

11月27日“点亮橙色 16 日行动启动仪式——平等的一代:反对性别暴力”活动在北京三里屯CHAO酒店启动 作为联合国妇女署的重要合作方,北京王府学校的高一年级学生方尧天和高二年级学生单欣在学校老师的带领下应邀参加了会议。 

联合国妇女署中国办公室国别主任安思齐女士(Smriti Aryal)联合国妇女署国别亲善大使、中国著名演员海清及来自多家驻华使馆、联合国机构、公益机构及媒体的100余位嘉宾出席了会议。




On November 27th2019 UNiTE ‘16 Days Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Violence’ was launched to eliminate all forms of violence against women in CHAO Sanlitun, Beijing. The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign that kicked off on Nov. 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until Dec. 10, Human Rights Day. As BRS is an important partner of UN Women, two students from BRS, Fang Yaotian from Grade 10 and Shan Xin from Grade 11 along with their teachers were invited to attend this event.  

Smriti Aryal, Head of the Office for UN Women China, Hai Qing, a well-known Chinese actress and UN Women China Goodwill Ambassador, and more than 100 guests from various embassies, UN agencies, nonprofit organizations and the media attended this event. 

The event aimed to call on people from all walks of life, particularly youths, to learn about the prevention of and response to gender-based violence and take action to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. BRS students gained a deeper understanding and had meaningful insights with regards to understanding gender-based violence through speeches, panel discussions, performances and artistic works. 

When talking about her experience of attending the event, Shan, Xin said, “I benefited a lot from the launch event, particularly from the presentation of Lawyer Zhang reminded me of the recent domestic violence issues in media. We all need to be sensitive and be fully aware of all forms of gender-based violence”. Meanwhile, Fang, Yaotiao echoed, “What impressed me most was that the visually impaired lady who bravely shared her personal story of overcoming challenges against gender violence. The event made me aware that the gender-based violence also often occur in families. Thus, we should start with ourselves by standing up for gender equality and eliminate gender-based violence.”  

By joining this activity, students have understood the importance of gender equality, strengthened the ideology of ending all forms of gender-based violence, and learned how to protect themselves in an effective way.