北京王府学校2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析(四) | 升学快报





BRS is proud to share the latest update of university offers for 10 students of our Class of 2018. Parallel to those BRS graduates setting their sights on attending United States universities and colleges are those BRS students with their sights set on the U.K. for overseas study. Every single student in this group has excellent academic records reflected by academic awards in the fields of mathematics, science, and chemistry over the past three years.  In addition, some demonstrated an integrated mathematics understanding via their contributions to the opening ceremony of the school sports meeting; and one graduate defeated his opponents with an authentic Cockney accent in the school’s English Debate Competition.


Our Class of 2018 students, teachers and parents celebrate these acceptance letters into the following highly regarded colleges and universities in the U.K: Oxford University, University College London, London School of Economics and Political Science, University of Manchester.  Classified as “G5 Super Elite University” institutions, these are all known to provide the best scientific research environments, the best teacher-student academic interactions, and the best opportunities of graduation into an economically-rewarding future or career. Congratulations! We are so proud of our students’ hard work and continued effort. May the stories of their experiences, their excellent and diligent application towards their dreams, prove instructive and inspirational for our future grade 12 students.




1)每一个孩子都自带光环 | 王府2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析(一)

2)北京王府学校2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析(二) | 升学快报

3)北京王府学校2018毕业季优秀录取案例分析(三) | 升学快报