赴美留学,除了带上满满决心还要带上这些…… | 我校“赴美留学安全教育”讲座


来自美国北卡罗莱纳州州立警署(Stateof North Carolina)卡瑞市(Town of Cary)警察局警长、卡瑞市警区第二地区区域安全执行官Jerry L. McCormick,针对人身安全、交通安全、签证、校园暴力等问题进行了讲解,并向学生们演练了在教室里发生危险时,如何通过改变教室内布局,使之变成安全的临时避难场所。


▲北莱纳州州立警署卡瑞市警察局警长、卡瑞市警区第二地区区域安全执行官Jerry L. McCormick卡罗


On March 26, BRS was honored to have Mr. Jerry L. McCormick, Captain in the Cary Police Department in NC, conduct a lecture about safety for students choosing to study in the United States. The senior high school students who attended the lecture said they learned a lot of practical knowledge, such as: how to detect threats, how to deal with possible problems and dangers, as well as many other safety issues which could arise when traveling or studying in the US. The lecture was very popular and well attended by BRS students not only because it concerned their own safety, but also because Mr. McCormick converted it into lively, on-site classroom presentations. Students actually saw how to make a safe temporary refuge by changing the layout of the classroom when there is danger in the classroom.








(文|刘婷 摄影|毛小龙 翻译|翟静)