【美国课堂微观察】在美国校园体验反恐 不知哪次是真的













我所在的住宿家庭有两个小孩,男孩五年级,女孩三年级,我虽然27岁,但在他们眼中我同我的八年级学生差不多大,自然而然地把我当孩子养。早上7点送我去坐校车,校车司机用充满朝气的声音一视同仁地对我打招呼:“good morning”“be smart at school”。虽然刚开始有点不习惯,但想想,我不就是来学习的吗?



At the beginning of 2017, I moved from the small town of Greely to the big city of Denver. After saying my goodbyes at the UNC campus, I moved on to start my new life with a host family, and I go to practicum school with kids every morning. My assigned host family has two children, a 5th grade boy and a 3rd girl. I am 27 years old, but in their eyes, I looked like an eighth grade girl because of my small size. So they care for me almost like I am another child. In the morning, my host family drives me with their children to the bus stop, and it takes just 5 minutes. The school bus driver, a big fat man, greets every student repetitively and gently, say things like: “Good morning.” or, “Be smart at school.” He usually greets me in the same tone and manner; so, at first I felt a little awkward being treated as a child, but then I realized that I should be treated like a student because learning is my primary goal here.




下午3: 05放学,有时候我会留下来蹭兴趣课,有表演课、手语课、瑜伽课和编程课等等,丰富多彩。下课了,家长接我和孩子们回家,一路上总是免不了一通询问,“how was your day?”“what did you learn at school?”感觉上班多年后还能回归孩子的生活,去学习新事物也是人生一大幸事。


School finishes at 15:05, but many a fun clubs are offered for students who stay after school. Some of the clubs include performing arts classes, sign language class, Yoga class, Python coding class, and too many more to name. As my host family’s children stay for after-school clubs every day, I also join in after-school clubs. Someone from my host family will pick us up after clubs are over and drive us back home. On the way, host parents always ask us, “How was your day?”, “What did you learn at school?” I feel so happy at my adult age to relive part of my childhood life and to study wholeheartedly.




Besides full-time practicum on weekdays, I am still taking two online courses. So, after school, I shut myself away in room to do my homework and sometimes I ask my host parents for help with a course assignment. They always try their best to patiently answer my questions; but, as my major belongs to liberal arts, it is not too abstract for them sometimes. My host parents are both well-educated, therefore, they seem to have naturally become my mentors at home.


实习生活 Practicum Life



I am doing practicum in Denver Language School (DLS). My mentor is a math teacher who teaches grades 6, 7 and 8 and is the homeroom teacher for grade 8.  One of the differences I have observed here is that the teachers here all occupy a classroom which is also their office. Each classroom is decorated with the teacher’s distinctive style; so, when I walk through the hallway, I can easily tell what teacher teaches which subject in each classroom just by looking. If the teacher finishes class early, then he or she sits in the classroom and monitors the students. I think this classroom office style has advantages and disadvantages. It shortens the distance between teacher and students, but it also deprives the teacher of a quiet office environment.


实习学校仪式性的东西特别多,每天早上第一节课习惯性地跟着广播宣誓,“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 有时候课上一半,突然鸣笛,学生迅速躲到角落里,关灯关门,等待广播通知危险解除。笛声一般代表有恐怖分子或小偷入侵校园。有时候闪灯或者广播,表示火警预报或龙卷风,学生会迅速有序转移到室外草坪或者走廊。这样的演习至少每月会有一次,不定时间,不定类型,谁也不知道哪次是真的,所以大家都当真事对待。有一次转移到操场后,还真来了一辆救护车和消防车——原来是小朋友玩辣椒酱出了点事故。还有一次,我坐在校车上,司机突然停车,要求我们按座位顺序从前往后排队从后门下车,然后前门上车……原来,我遇上校车事故演习了。这一点,我觉得我们还真得跟人家学,这高素质高效率的应对措施,可减少多少突发的事故危害啊!



DLS has many ceremonies. For example, every morning at the beginning of the first period, students should recite the Pledge of Allegiance together, following the voice over the loud speaker:  “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  Sometimes, in the middle of a class, a siren blares and students have to hide in the corner, turn off the lights and lock the door; then they wait for the announcement that the threat of danger is gone. The sirens represent the fear of terrorists or a bad person(s) invading the school.  If a signal light shines, then an alarm is announced which could mean a fire or tornado is coming. Students must seek shelter in the hallway or play ground in an orderly fashion. Such ‘emergency’ drills are held at least once a month and can come at any time signaling any danger. Nobody knows which alarm is a rehearsal and which is a true danger; therefore, every student and teacher treats every alarm seriously. One time I truly saw a fire engine and an ambulance come to school after one alarm sounded. Afterwards, I learned that it was a real accident which resulted from students playing with pepper spray. There was another time when the school bus stopped suddenly and all passengers were forced to exit from the back door in an orderly fashion, and then we got them to the school’s front door. I was so shocked by the sudden event,; but, after a while, I was told that it wasn’t a real emergency, but just for practice in case a real bus accident occurs. I have to admire the well organized and disciplined actions of every participant in the drill.  If we can learn to treat every accident so orderly, we can avoid lots of damage or injuries.


休闲娱乐 Entertainment







The Colorado mountains are very pretty. No matter where I stand, I can always see the Rocky Mountains on my west side. One time, I had the chance to hike the Rocky Mountains with my host family. Here are some pictures I would like to share with you.






As the environment around the Rocky Mountains is well preserved, many wild animals settle here. For the mountain villagers, it is very common to walk with wildlife.




看了这么多图片,是不是发现科罗拉多以山为特色呢?是的,这里海拔较高,人们周末生活都离不开山,其实整个州都是坐落在山上哦。因此,科罗拉多口音很容易识别,mountain〔 ˊmaunәn〕他们直接省略t的发音,因为太懒了。


From all the pictures, you can see that Colorado is well known for its mountains. Yes, most people spend their weekends on or near the mountains. Some of them even own mountain homes. In fact, did you know that Colorado State is actually totally located on mountains?  It has a higher altitude than other places. Here I will share how to identify a local Colorado accent: mountain〔 ˊmaunәn〕. As Colorado people use the word mountain so much, they omit the sound ‘t’ because they are too lazy to say it fully.


(文、图| 邓芬芬 编辑|饶茹)